So, we’ve unpacked everything that can be unpacked at the moment. Some of the boxes must await final disposition until the pantry arrives, realsoonnow. My office has been unboxed and everything is someplace. Perhaps not in the right place, but rearranging can be done in fifteen and twenty minute increments, in between other things.
The living room comes in two parts. Part one, nearest the front door, is still a staging area, though there is considerably less staging going on. Part two, the conversation and viewing area, still needs a couple things shifted out, and a rug laid. We may actually get the rug down this weekend, whereupon there will be two rooms in the house which are designated Oases of Order, the second being our bedroom.
In terms of Real Work getting done, Steve is going through the page proofs for the thirtieth anniversary edition of Agent of Change (by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, while I’m proofing the pages for the mass market edition of The Gathering Edge (also by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller).
Steve and I went out to Lowe’s this morning (18 minutes from our house to Augusta! Good Ghod. That used to be a 35 minute drive.) to shop for Those Silly Things that are required for town living. A recycling bin; an outdoor trash can with a lid and wheels; room darkening shades for the bedroom; trashcans for the bathrooms — you know the drill. I ran out of steam a couple hours in, so we came home and I had a two-hour nap before lunch. Recruiting my strength now to get up and go tackle the laundry monster via the new machines. Pray for me.
For the Fans of the Cats, I am pleased to report that Scrabble continues to frequent All the Rooms and has overseen much of the action, often in company with Belle. Trooper and Sprite have regained their Coon Cat Sang-froid, and the cat castle in the corner of the living room, Part One, is enjoying good custom.
And that’s the news from the Evolving Cat Farm and Confusion Factory.
What’re y’all doing this weekend?