So, we’ve unpacked everything that can be unpacked at the moment. Some of the boxes must await final disposition until the pantry arrives, realsoonnow. My office has been unboxed and everything is someplace. Perhaps not in the right place, but rearranging can be done in fifteen and twenty minute increments, in between other things.
The living room comes in two parts. Part one, nearest the front door, is still a staging area, though there is considerably less staging going on. Part two, the conversation and viewing area, still needs a couple things shifted out, and a rug laid. We may actually get the rug down this weekend, whereupon there will be two rooms in the house which are designated Oases of Order, the second being our bedroom.
In terms of Real Work getting done, Steve is going through the page proofs for the thirtieth anniversary edition of Agent of Change (by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, while I’m proofing the pages for the mass market edition of The Gathering Edge (also by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller).
Steve and I went out to Lowe’s this morning (18 minutes from our house to Augusta! Good Ghod. That used to be a 35 minute drive.) to shop for Those Silly Things that are required for town living. A recycling bin; an outdoor trash can with a lid and wheels; room darkening shades for the bedroom; trashcans for the bathrooms — you know the drill. I ran out of steam a couple hours in, so we came home and I had a two-hour nap before lunch. Recruiting my strength now to get up and go tackle the laundry monster via the new machines. Pray for me.
For the Fans of the Cats, I am pleased to report that Scrabble continues to frequent All the Rooms and has overseen much of the action, often in company with Belle. Trooper and Sprite have regained their Coon Cat Sang-froid, and the cat castle in the corner of the living room, Part One, is enjoying good custom.
And that’s the news from the Evolving Cat Farm and Confusion Factory.
What’re y’all doing this weekend?
I took my two kids for a play date with a former preschool-mate (His parents and I work at the same company too) where they got to make their own pizzas and run around. After a few hours, the adults were getting tuckered out and I’d announced that we were leaving in about 30 minutes. 10 minutes on, I hear a hosting parent telling his kid to stop throwing the ball in the house. I go into the room where the ball is currently being held by one of my boys. I look him straight in the eyes and say don’t throw the ball. He tosses it over my head. “Okay, get your shoes on! We’re going home.”
Beyond that, I have some work to do, but have no ambition to do it today. Maybe I’ll attack our laundry pile instead. I have a 7 am teleconference on Monday, leave at 8:15 am on Tuesday for Houston, do an hour-long presentation on Wednesday, return home that evening for a 7 am teleconference on Thursday followed by a dr’s appt that afternoon. I’m enjoying the peace while it lasts. I wouldn’t have done such a quick turnaround from Houston except for that dratted dr’s appt. It’s been rescheduled once which caused an 8 week delay.
went to free comic book day locally, made guacamole and deviled eggs and watched the Kentucky Derby
My sweetie & I headed out on our bicycles for a ride downriver along the Rio Grande Bosque. I’m always slower than she, however I discovered I was riding alone after about 4 miles. Yeah, I’m one of those without eyes in the back of my head & my 70+ yro neck isn’t quite as flexible as it once was. Anyways, she had stopped & I returned to find her chemo 2 days ago had sapped her stamina. Returned home & she slept most of the afternoon. She’ll be kicking my b__t again in a couple of days.
It’s Cinco de Mayo & besides splitting a Dos Equis, Victoria, or possibly a more northern Moose Drool, we’ll forego tacos with Hatch green chile. Not the worst thing since we actually live in Nuevo Mexico where we can hit the Pueblo Harvest Cafe for blue corn onion rings & a big bowl of posole.
Happy to hear news of move survival such as it is at this point. Too bad Edger wasn’t available provide “same house new location” magic. Hope work can soon continue on tbfka Fifth; but then I’m just being selfish so pay no attention…:-)
Cheers, Bob
Attended a discussion in Second Life on the Universal Basic Income idea, delivered a Happy Retirement gift to a very good friend, made a drive-through visit to Starbucks and avoided all things Kentucky Derby. Continuing the 3rd (4th?) read of the Constellation One.. and now I am on line and back into Second Life for a couple hours.. plus..there were cats on me at several points during the day but that is a normal.
Ended my 12 day work ‘week’, napped, then joined family and friend at a Favorite Italian Restaurant for lunch. Napped again, and am (with the assistance of modern appliances) taking care of 12+ days worth of laundry. Oh yeah, catching up on the internets…
since Sharon asked: I started singing, in Jan, with the Mishawum Choral Society (Woburn, MA), and this afternoon is the first concert since I began.
If anyone reading this is in a position to attend: 3 pm TODAY at Crawford Memorial Methodist church in winchester ma. Tickets available at the door.
It will be a mixture of secular and sacred music.
Saturday was a family effort to REALLY clean the first floor as friends we haven’t seen for 15 years are visiting Monday. The result was the living room and front yard porch were pronounced ‘done,’ the dining room and 2nd floor BR have had a ‘good start,’ the kitchen and guest room are not disasters but not even close to clean….and I’m trashed. Trying to start today hopeful, but it’s hard to work hard when you’re hardly able to move….
Yesterday I got my hands dirty and clothes wet; shifting ornamental shrubberies and reparations of the hose and sprinkler. We re-stocked Frank’s work vehicle with field sampling gear and thereby cleared a corner of the garage which was harboring said supplies.
Today, I am meal planning and grocery shopping in prep for a short week in the field and office. Its WEIRD to be back in a day job…(I have My OWN office for the first time!)
Tomorrow, I wait around for the plumbers and try to keep the resident from any further muscheif. My own field work will just have to wait until Tuesday.
The glamour is almost toooooo much!
Enjoyed a Derby day party in Kenya! We had fancy hats and derby pie muffins. The kids made horses out of very large stirring paddles and then we had races down a long hall for kids and grown-ups alike. My cat yeowled at me for being gone most of the afternoon, but settled down beside me in the evening for his evening petting session. It was a pretty good day.
Weeded and mulched two small plant beds, walked in a local park, continued working on a baby blanket for the newest great-niece-to-be, and attended a concert by Art Garfunkle. Today, meeting with the painters who will be painting the 60 year old siding on the house.