Where to find Lee and Miller

Below is a list of all the places you can find Lee and Miller and Things Liaden on the Web, with commentary, to insure a perfect match between how much information you want and how much information you’ll get.

Where Sharon Lee Hangs Out

This blog, which is mirrored at Eagles Over the Kennebec — Combo blog, personal and professional.  Minimal, if any, political commentary.  You will, however, have to put up with cat pictures.  Some folks have complained about having to put up with cat pictures, so I feel this should be mentioned.

Twitter — Combo stream; pointers to Liaden Universe® news, this blog, random retweets, and political commentary.  Some days more commentary, some days less.  Occasional cat pictures.

Facebook — Combo; lots of political, historical, real-life discussion interspersed with professional news and discussion of writing/the writing life. Wide-ranging in a word, and occasionally freewheeling.  Also, cat pictures.

Where Steve Miller Hangs Out

Journeyman — Steve’s blog. Always expect a train.  May contain cat pictures.

TwitterCombo stream; pointers to Liaden Universe® news, interesting stuff, and political commentary.

Facebook — Combo; lots of political, historical, real-life discussion interspersed with professional news and discussion of writing/the writing life. Wide-ranging in a word, and occasionally freewheeling.  Cat pictures, bird pictures, pictures of snow, and of autumn, among others.

Just the Facts, Please

If you are a person who only wants writing and publication news from the Liaden Universe®, without any messy personal stuff, or politics, or cat pictures, here are your options:

Welcome to Liad: Clan Korval’s home on the web.  Publishing news, sneak peeks of covers, announcements of contests, Lee and Miller appearances.  That’s it.

You may sign up for the Liaden Universe® InfoDump.  This emailed newsletter goes out very infrequently and includes only news, such as where to pre-order signed books, convention appearances, news of eArcs, publications, sales.  Here’s your link to sign up.

Liaden Enthusiast and Discussion Groups

If you wish to discuss the Liaden Universe® with other enthusiasts, there are several Facebook groups available to you:

Clan Korval

Flaran Cha’menthi

Friends of Liad

There you are.  Choose wisely, choose well.