Lifters never fall

Sunday Catchup:  I took the day off, did some embroidery, played with cats, read, watched Red One, which I really enjoyed, and will probably watch again.

Monday. Cloudy, now.

Breakfast was a cinnamon roll, because I could. Lunch — dunno. Mac ‘n cheese, maybe.

Stayed up late because Firefly wouldn’t let me get up until we’d seen Ross fairly settled on Finity. Then I had to open the next book to show her that they’d kept their word. Honestly, four years old and nothing but suspicion.

In the Realm of Shameless Self-Promotion! Sea Wrack and Changewind ebook has broken 400 the hard way! Amazon, 367; Apple, 15; BN, 3; Kobo 16. The ebook drops on December 17 — that’s tomorrow!

Today it’s back to the proofing mines. Firefly has already checked in, and Rook arrived for his after-breakfast lap-sit and cuddles. Trooper is in his box on my desk, snoring.

And that? Is all I have. Yes, yes, the non-stop glamour; how do I keep it from ruining me?

What’s everybody up to, today?

Today’s blog title from Diviner’s Bow.

In Which the Writer Recovers

Um. Monday, I believe. Cloudy and cold.

It was a challenge getting out of bed this morning, but I managed the thing by a little after seven, rustled up some oatmeal with sour cherry jam, and am now waiting on the kettle so I can have my second cup of tea before I go to gym, ref “cold” above. Not that I expect it to get that much warmer, but it will give the ice melt time to work on the steps, and me, time to get a little more awake.

Today will be all about catching up on the things I didn’t do this weekend, in favor of turning the copy edits around at faster-than-light speeds. And a nap. A nap sounds really good. But not before gym.

For those who worry about such things, in which set I include myself, the plowguy did come yesterday, around 6:00, I guess. The fact that it now gets dark in the middle of the afternoon makes it seem like everything is happening at midnight.

What else? Ah! Actual News of Note! To wit:
1. Ebook preorders of Sea Wrack and Changewind now stand at! Amazon, 327; Apple, 10; BN, 2; Kobo, 9.

2. The trade paper edition of Sea Wrack… will go on sale this Friday, December 13. The ebook will publish on December 17. The audiobook will be available from Tantor on January 28.

3. The mass market paperback of Ribbon Dance, of which I had begun to have Doubts, will, so I learn in Locus, publish in April.

3a. No, I’ve heard nothing further regarding the audiobook from Tantor.

4. The hardcover and ebook editions of Diviner’s Bow will be published on April 1.

4a. No, I don’t know when the eARC will be offered; possibly 90 days before the Official Pub Date.

4b. No, I have no information about an audiobook.

Oh, look; the sun’s coming out.

So! That’s my news. What’s yours?

Here’s a picture of Apprentice Editorial Assistant Rook Thunderpaws hard at work this weekend: