Time seen as a necklace of precious stones

What went before:  Yesterday, I read all the Commander Vepal sections of The Gathering Edge (how is it possible that The Gathering Edge was published in 2017?) — this because of a Notion sent up from the guys in the basement.  I also did a lot of Real Life This and That, because Real Life does have to be tended to, sometimes.

Shameless Self-Promotion:  The audio edition of Sea Wrack and Changewind, by Sharon Lee, being all of the Archers Beach stories in one volume, is now on sale at Tantor Media. Narrated by Alex Picard.  Here’s your link.

Tuesday. Cloudy; it was snowing a little when I took the trash and recycling to the curb. Seems to not be snowing at the moment.

Breakfast was blueberry skyr and tea. Lunch will be beanloaf in mushroom sauce, and a fancy frozen veggie to be named later.

Today’s to-do is reading “Shout of Honor,” performing one’s duty to the cats, and taking a smol walk. Depending on how lively the guys in the basement are feeling, I may spend some time staring at nothing. (Note to Self: restart beer deliveries to the guys in the basement.)

Sartorially speaking, I’m wearing the usual Wrangler carpenter jeans with the pointy-thing pocket repurposed to hold my phone; Steve’s flannel-lined denim shirt (which is magical, I’m sad because (1) mine all wore out long ago, and (2) this style has gone the way of the so-called “shirt jac,” which is still warm, but not as nice), and one of Steve’s necklaces (another Phil Jurus rune: Edram, the rune of the artist).

I was thinking yesterday (when my necklace was the astronomically correct silver moon that Steve gave me for my 60th birthday), that I have a lot of necklaces in my care — some of course more Important than others — and I got to wondering if I could have them made into a memory necklace — like a charm bracelet, but a necklace.

I also have a lot of earrings, because my ears used to be pierced. And I’m wondering if it’s worth my time to have my ears pierced again, or what on earth I’m going to do with All Those Earrings, some of which, again, are more precious than others.

Moving on to the Big Cat Hunt — we await word from the escort service as to date and time. Join me in Watching the Skies.

And that’s all the news from the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory.

What’s your news?

Today’s blog title is brought to you by Samuel R. Delaney, “Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones

Scenes from a late-waking morning:

Low Goal Thursday

Shameless Self-Promotion:  Remember! In Just! Five! Days! the audio edition of Sea Wrack and Changewind (ALL of the Archers Beach stories), by Sharon Lee, narrated by Alex Picard, will be available from Tantor Media. Here’s the link.

Thursday. Dim and warmer. By which I mean it was 5F/-15C when I woke up. Supposed to hit the dizzying high temp of 24F/-4C before quittin’ time.

Breakfast was ham and mustard on an English muffin, with grapes. Second cup of tea helped me write a letter. Lunch will be…damn, I knew the answer to that question — oh! Yam stirfry. Good day for it, looks like.

As reported elsewhere, I have an appointment to get my hairs cut this morning. Since I’m letting the tax packet rest, I intend to get with “Core Values” and finish the last scene. After that, maybe some straightening up of the living room, which still has laptops and notebooks scattered ’round. So, not a big day, goal-wise.

What are your goals, today?

It used to seem to me that my life ran on too fast

What went before:  I’m looking to reacquaint myself with Gordy Arbuthnot and posted a Scavenger Hunt on FB, to make sure I had all the places where he has appeared and/or been mentioned in the Universe So Far.  This brought up a splinter — what had a very long time ago been thought by its fond authors to be the start of the second novel staring Shan and Priscilla (this being before we learned that “nobody” wanted to read about traders), and where it might be found.  The splinter is entitled “Shan and Priscilla Ride Again,” and it is collected in Pinbeam Books chapbook Splinter Universe Presents:  Might-have-beens and first thoughts from the Liaden Universe®.  Amazon link provided as a courtesy.

Moving on . . .

Friday. Sunny and cold enough.

Breakfast was a blueberry muffin with a side of cheddar cheese. Lunch will be … potatoes. Potatoes have potassium, which is good for what ails me, so I’m told.

I was going to Just Get To Work Today. I mean, that was the plan, but having eaten breakfast — I don’t feel so hot, so I’ll just be taking my second cup of tea to the Command Chair and continue with yesterday’s modest researches. Normally, I would do this from the comfy chair in my office, but the antibiotic I’m taking forbids me “direct or indirect” sunshine. Sigh.

Perhaps later I’ll be able to address the Mess on my Desk.

What’s everybody doing today?

Today’s blog title brought to to you by Steve Winwood, “Back in the High Life

Tete a tete:

Anything can happen day

What went before:  On this day in 2024, we here at the Confusion Factory found that our podcast at Legendarium regarding Hellspark and why you should read it right now had aired.  This is the last podcast Steve and I did.  Here’s the link.

Yesterday, I was pointed to this ancient blog post regarding the craft of writing, which I offer to those who may be interested.

Wednesday. Sunny and cool.

Breakfast was hummus and naan, cheese and crackers, dreamberries, and tea. Second cup of tea just finished brewing.

I? Am sick. Again. I s’pose I should go back to the clinic, only — I don’ wanna. So, I’m drinking my second cup of tea while I type this broadcast to the universe, after which I will dispatch my duty to the cats, and then I’ll go to the clinic and chat with them about checking for opportunistic pneumonia. Steve two or three times “got over” a bad cold only to land in the ER with pneumonia, and while I wouldn’t have told you my late bout with the flu was anything like “bad,” I am so not a doctor. . .

What else? Ah. As reported yesterday, there will be no (NO) hardcover edition of Sea Wrack and Changewind. I’m very sorry, but my skills proved inadequate to the task. Those who desire a paper copy may of course purchase the trade paper edition (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1948465299). The ebook edition remains available wherever electrons are sold.

Facebook tells me that “a friend” has reported a profile that is pretending to be me. FB assures me that it is investigating, and if it’s found that this profile violates “community standards,” it will be deleted. I suppose if it’s not found to violate “community standards” it will be allowed to remain, at which time I will either vanish in a puff of pearl-grey smoke OR there will be two of me, and we can share the housework. Watch the skies.

. . . I think that’s all the news. I’ll try to report in later, hoping that it’s NOT from the ER (oh. NOTE TO SELF: Put KIND bars in backpack).

Everybody stay safe, and healthy. And if you feel so moved, please share pictures of your pets.

The Return of Winter, Part Three

What went before:  Discussions yesterday led to the realization that Diviner’s Bow represents the fastest turnaround from manuscript to eARC that I, personally, have participated in.  Bearing in mind that the book was due on November 15, this is the timeline: WIP handed in on October 28, line edits received on November 14, copy edits received on December 8, galleys received on December 23, eARC on-sale January 8.

No wonder I’m tired.

Also! for those who missed yesterday’s exciting announcement, you may now purchase, from Baen.com and only from Baen.com, the Diviner’s Bow eARC.  Here’s your link.

As has been our pleasant custom, a private parlor for spoiler discussions has been opened so that those who read the eARC can talk about it without spoiling the story for those readers who prefer to wait for other editions to be published.  Here’s the link to the Diviner’s Bow Spoiler Space.

That brings us current, I think, so!  Onward to!

Thursday, grey and cold. Snowed a tiny bit on the overnight, enough to give the Long Backyard a Wintry Air.

Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and walnuts. Second cup of tea brewing. Lunch will be chili.

I’m declaring myself flu-free; 24 hours off of Robitussin, hacking non-present, sneezing ditto, no fever for days.

Today is a No-I-Am-NOT-Writing day. The crazy rush on Diviner’s Bow — where I got the edit letter the day before the book was due — may have broken my brain. Not really. Only a sprain, I’m sure. Still, if this is going to be the New Crazy, I’m going to have to take steps to protect myself, so that I can deliver the books that are still under contract. It might be I’ll need to extend the extension for the next book, because I never did get the downtime (being sick is not downtime) I thought I was gaining after I turned in …Bow.

In any case — today I’ll be catching up around the house, changing out the cat fountains (which should have been done days ago, ref “sick” above, and my cats are saints) maybe watching a documentary about lighthouses if I can track it down again, and other Light non-writing Amusements.

I also need to give some consideration to on-going brain care. I’ve mentioned before that I have a very busy brain. If I don’t keep it occupied — not stressed, occupied — it turns on itself, which is … not optimal. For 46 years, I lived inside a vortex of intellectual and creative stimulation, and as much as that might’ve made other people crazy, it was what kept me functional.

Isn’t Life interesting?

Speaking of Interesting — Who’s finished reading Diviner’s Bow? Show of hands, if you please! *raises three hands*

That’s all I’ve got right now.

Here, have a picture of the back yard. What’s the weather where you are?

Kit Kat

The ebook edition of Sea Wrack and Changewinds: All of the Archers Beach short stories, by Sharon Lee has dropped in all markets, and! AFAIK. Thank you and happy reading to all.

Monday Catchup:  I got out some of the glass trees from MOMA and put them up, along with the daily birch trees, and the old yellow tree that used to be in my office.  The lighted stand for the crystal ball arrived, and all lit up they make a … comforting display.

Tuesday. Rainy and warm. Trash and (some) of the recycling at the curb. (The open bin can’t go out, ref “rainy”)

Breakfast was pb&j on a whole wheat English muffin. Lunch will be the leftover pork chop and the leftover veggies.

After I finish writing and posting this communication, I will be mixing together the pumpernickel bread kit from Steve’s stash (Steve bought kits; I think, after the pumpernickel, there’s a multigrain bread kit, and a crepe kit), and setting it to rise. Then I will be about reading the last 50 pages of Diviner’s Bow’s galleys, and opening a correction log.

<whine> I had really wanted to feel good about this book, but all I feel at the moment is tired and lonely</whine>

Aside one’s duty to the cats and so forth, I think that’s all I got on for the day — baking and reading.

What’s on for your day?

Lifters never fall

Sunday Catchup:  I took the day off, did some embroidery, played with cats, read, watched Red One, which I really enjoyed, and will probably watch again.

Monday. Cloudy, now.

Breakfast was a cinnamon roll, because I could. Lunch — dunno. Mac ‘n cheese, maybe.

Stayed up late because Firefly wouldn’t let me get up until we’d seen Ross fairly settled on Finity. Then I had to open the next book to show her that they’d kept their word. Honestly, four years old and nothing but suspicion.

In the Realm of Shameless Self-Promotion! Sea Wrack and Changewind ebook has broken 400 the hard way! Amazon, 367; Apple, 15; BN, 3; Kobo 16. The ebook drops on December 17 — that’s tomorrow!

Today it’s back to the proofing mines. Firefly has already checked in, and Rook arrived for his after-breakfast lap-sit and cuddles. Trooper is in his box on my desk, snoring.

And that? Is all I have. Yes, yes, the non-stop glamour; how do I keep it from ruining me?

What’s everybody up to, today?

Today’s blog title from Diviner’s Bow.

On the occasion of Trooper’s 15th Birthday

Saturday. Bright and cold, but most importantly? It is December 14.

This is Trooper’s 15th birthday. The celebrations began early with the Birthday Cat taking his place on the Living Room Observation Post, where, after careful study, he was able to report with confidence that the garden, the lawn, and the maple trees were correctly placed. He then withdrew to share a teaching breakfast with his grandson. He’s now asleep on the copilot’s chair.

In Shameless Self-Promotion, Sea Wrack and Changewinds PAPERBACK retains the coveted #1 New Release banner for its placement in Fantasy Short Stories. The EBOOK edition, which drops on December 17, rejoices in 392 total preorders.

Today, is all about reading galleys, interspersed with one’s duty to the cats, changing the bed, and figuring out what’s for lunch. (Breakfast, for those keeping score, was oatmeal with walnuts and raisins, because Food is Boring. It strikes me that I would not make a very good Haosa.)

Possibly, I’ll knock off early and watch “Red One.” Or, yanno, not.

Which leads to the question — What’s your favorite seasonal movie? I rather liked “While You Were Sleeping,” and I know there’s much fondness for “Die Hard” — but, else?

Picture of the Birthday Cat:

Are you a Wonder, or a Marvel?

First, let’s get the Shameless Self-Promotion out of the way.

The PAPERBACK edition of Sea Wrack and Changewind: All of the Archers Beach short stories, by Sharon Lee, is now on sale at Amazon. Here’s the link.

The EBOOK edition of Sea Wrack and Changewind will drop on December 17. It may be preordered now from All The Usual Suspects, and/or bookmarked at Baen for purchase On The Day.

Note that the above describe two different editions of the same book.

Yesterday’s wrap-up, short form: It was warm and sunny; it was windy and snowy. I read galleys, then went out to take on ice melt, cat food and a wreath. Eventually collapsed onto the couch, with cats spotted ’round the living room and listened to The Goblin Emperor.

Which brings us to!

Friday. Sunny and cold.

The toaster oven is heating so I can warm some naan for my breakfast, which will include hummus, and an orange.

I would like to sing the praises of programmable thermostats. What a pleasure to get up and the house is already warming nicely, and I don’t have to race around the house, teeth chattering, to set up the heat, then pile on layers to keep warm while station temps rise to acceptable levels.

The lack of needing to race around &c has messed with Rook’s schedule. He had become accustomed to running down the hall to Steve’s office ahead of me, waiting while I did the needful, then running ahead of me to the thermostat in the laundry room, then the thermostat in the Great Intersection, and finally into my office. I guess I could still do the route, and keep him — and me — in shape.

I’ll go to gym a little later this morning, to let *outside* warm up, then I’ll be home to read galleys.

Not a particularly exciting day, but mine own.

We used to ask each other occasionally, it not being the sort of question you can ask every day — “Are you a Wonder, or a Marvel?” I haven’t much been feeling either, but these questions shouldn’t be altogether lost, and so I put it to you —

Are you a Wonder, or a Marvel?*

Behold, the Yule wreath, decorated and sublime.