In Which the To-Do List is Rewritten

What Went Before:  Yesterday saw the delivery of the proof copy of the hardcover Sea Wrack and Changewind, which I Examined With Interest, Found Good, and removed the hold on publication at Amazon.  Remember this plot point.

Also yesterday, I took delivery of my Yule present to the Pixel 9 Pro, which for some inexplicable reason does not have a headphone jack — a pretty blue JBL wireless headset, which is a Thing of Wonder, and I am at its feet.  Figuratively, since headsets, no matter how Awesome, do not of course have feet.

Also, I did not rewatch Red One last night; I read, and played with my new headset.

Which brings us to!

Monday. Cold. Grey-blue skies.

I did wake up early, but I did not leap out of bed to go to the grocery store. I can go out in 2F/-17C, but milk is not an emergency.

Breakfast was the last cinnamon bun, with a chaser of cottage cheese. Second cup of tea brewing.

Have performed one’s Duty to the Cats. Dishwasher in operation. Trash and recycling is in the garage, awaiting tomorrow morning’s trip to the curb.

I have a very early appointment tomorrow with the cardiologist, which — I’d kinda been hoping that they’d call it off, since the doctor has already informed me, through a proxy, that afib reports from toy watches are NOT reliable, I should get myself a kardia, and also he’s ordering in another 30-day monitor, and will call when it’s in. But — no. Appointment still on. This will be with, I may add, Steve’s cardiologist, so — lots of fun tomorrow morning.

Amazon reports Many, MANY Problems with the formatting of the hardcover Sea Wrack…, all of which relate to Amazon’s comfort and have nothing to do with the viability of *the book* which, as reported, is fine. I may or may not be able to fix these issues, and in either case, Not Soon. There are many things in queue before it. I apologize for Raising Hopes, but we’re back to — The Hardcover May Not Happen.

So! The Amended Plan for Today:

DO: Chiropractor at 10:30, stop at PO, stop at grocery, call bank, log typos. Cuddle cats.

DO NOT: Throw things.

TRY:  There is no try.

What’s on your To-Do List?

Obligatory cat picture:  The Rookie at home

Kit Kat

The ebook edition of Sea Wrack and Changewinds: All of the Archers Beach short stories, by Sharon Lee has dropped in all markets, and! AFAIK. Thank you and happy reading to all.

Monday Catchup:  I got out some of the glass trees from MOMA and put them up, along with the daily birch trees, and the old yellow tree that used to be in my office.  The lighted stand for the crystal ball arrived, and all lit up they make a … comforting display.

Tuesday. Rainy and warm. Trash and (some) of the recycling at the curb. (The open bin can’t go out, ref “rainy”)

Breakfast was pb&j on a whole wheat English muffin. Lunch will be the leftover pork chop and the leftover veggies.

After I finish writing and posting this communication, I will be mixing together the pumpernickel bread kit from Steve’s stash (Steve bought kits; I think, after the pumpernickel, there’s a multigrain bread kit, and a crepe kit), and setting it to rise. Then I will be about reading the last 50 pages of Diviner’s Bow’s galleys, and opening a correction log.

<whine> I had really wanted to feel good about this book, but all I feel at the moment is tired and lonely</whine>

Aside one’s duty to the cats and so forth, I think that’s all I got on for the day — baking and reading.

What’s on for your day?

Lifters never fall

Sunday Catchup:  I took the day off, did some embroidery, played with cats, read, watched Red One, which I really enjoyed, and will probably watch again.

Monday. Cloudy, now.

Breakfast was a cinnamon roll, because I could. Lunch — dunno. Mac ‘n cheese, maybe.

Stayed up late because Firefly wouldn’t let me get up until we’d seen Ross fairly settled on Finity. Then I had to open the next book to show her that they’d kept their word. Honestly, four years old and nothing but suspicion.

In the Realm of Shameless Self-Promotion! Sea Wrack and Changewind ebook has broken 400 the hard way! Amazon, 367; Apple, 15; BN, 3; Kobo 16. The ebook drops on December 17 — that’s tomorrow!

Today it’s back to the proofing mines. Firefly has already checked in, and Rook arrived for his after-breakfast lap-sit and cuddles. Trooper is in his box on my desk, snoring.

And that? Is all I have. Yes, yes, the non-stop glamour; how do I keep it from ruining me?

What’s everybody up to, today?

Today’s blog title from Diviner’s Bow.

In Which the Writer Recovers

Um. Monday, I believe. Cloudy and cold.

It was a challenge getting out of bed this morning, but I managed the thing by a little after seven, rustled up some oatmeal with sour cherry jam, and am now waiting on the kettle so I can have my second cup of tea before I go to gym, ref “cold” above. Not that I expect it to get that much warmer, but it will give the ice melt time to work on the steps, and me, time to get a little more awake.

Today will be all about catching up on the things I didn’t do this weekend, in favor of turning the copy edits around at faster-than-light speeds. And a nap. A nap sounds really good. But not before gym.

For those who worry about such things, in which set I include myself, the plowguy did come yesterday, around 6:00, I guess. The fact that it now gets dark in the middle of the afternoon makes it seem like everything is happening at midnight.

What else? Ah! Actual News of Note! To wit:
1. Ebook preorders of Sea Wrack and Changewind now stand at! Amazon, 327; Apple, 10; BN, 2; Kobo, 9.

2. The trade paper edition of Sea Wrack… will go on sale this Friday, December 13. The ebook will publish on December 17. The audiobook will be available from Tantor on January 28.

3. The mass market paperback of Ribbon Dance, of which I had begun to have Doubts, will, so I learn in Locus, publish in April.

3a. No, I’ve heard nothing further regarding the audiobook from Tantor.

4. The hardcover and ebook editions of Diviner’s Bow will be published on April 1.

4a. No, I don’t know when the eARC will be offered; possibly 90 days before the Official Pub Date.

4b. No, I have no information about an audiobook.

Oh, look; the sun’s coming out.

So! That’s my news. What’s yours?

Here’s a picture of Apprentice Editorial Assistant Rook Thunderpaws hard at work this weekend:

Oranges and lemons, say the bells of St. Clements

Tuesday. Cloudy and cold. Trash and recycling at the curb.

Breakfast was rice crackers, cream cheese, and one of those tiny mandarin oranges. Finishing up the first cup of tea. Lunch — is hours from now.

I really need to go to gym and get back in the habit of going to gym. I used to go to gym so I could do stuff for us that Steve could no longer do, and that logic remains. I hate running without backup, but that’s the road, so — gym. No, really. Even though it’s cold and I don’t wanna.

After gym, I may or may not swing by Marden’s to see if I can find a runner — winter is here and snow will be tracked into the house. Better it melts on a rug than on the wood floors. I keep trying to remember what we did, yanno, last winter, and the five winters before, but — apparently it’s one of those minor details the brain scuttled to make room for Larger Things. I suppose it’s possible we just brought one of the runners from downstairs, upstairs, but they’re being used and useful where they are, so I’d rather just leave them where they’re doing good.

I got the proof trade paper of Sea Wrack and Changewind yesterday in the mail. My! That is a *handsome* book.

Preorders for Sea Wrack and Changewind ebook stand at 177 at Amazon; 10 at Apple; 2 BN; 9 Kobo.

. . . and that’s the news.

Off to gym with me.

Who else is going to gym today?

Two for Joy

Let’s see … Wednesday. Foggy and chill, weatherbeans calling for sun-through-clouds, later.

Firefly slept with me straight through last night; the third night she’s done so. I think I may be seeing a new schedule emerging, in which Trooper, backed by Rook, does the day-shift; then the all-hands rest/reading/viewing period following Coon Cat Happy Hour, with Firefly taking the night shift.

Breakfast was oatmeal, walnuts, the last of the peach jam. Just finishing up the first mug of tea. Lunch will be leftover soup mixed with rice to make it enough. The evening meal! will be a tomato sandwich, on account of I have sliced tomato that has to be used and I don’t wanna put it in the soup.

Today, my friends, is going to be a Day of Marvels. Or at least deliveries. Cat litter is said to be headed even now for the Cat Farm, as well as my new computer, and something from Amazon, which — honestly? — I have No Idea.

Speaking of, though: I should probably order in a usb hub for the living room. *writes on list* And once again, I thank those who thoughtfully sent me Amazon gift cards. You guys have been life-savers.

Aside from waiting on deliveries, I need to change out the tablecloth, and wash a load of towels and suchlike. At 3:30ish, I’ll go cross-town — a matter of 3.5 miles — to Governor’s to pick up my Feast for One, for tomorrow’s lunch. Around all that — one’s duty to the cats, signing some bookplates, and finish reading Salvage Right. Not an arduous day, which is good. Yesterday kinda wiped me out.

Last night, the cats and I viewed the second episode of Magpie Murders. We remain amused. Trooper’s distrust of Andreas would seem to be justified. Again, I liked the montage of the writer at work, and in fact liked the writer, which was echoed in the clue “Everyone who read Alan, loved him. Everyone who knew him, did not.” Also, it’s not often I’m jealous of visual media, but I would give … a lot … to be able to reproduce in prose the “O!” moment, when the present-day red car went zipping through the intersection just ahead of Mr. Pund’s 1955 … Triumph, maybe? We will be continuing.

In the spirit of burying the lede: There had been some interest expressed by ebook consumers in the matter of signed bookplates for Diviner’s Bow. (Those who are preodering hardcovers from Uncle will receive a plate with their book.) I spoke to Jason at Baen, and he is very kindly sending me 100 bookplates that will be available to those who send me a SASE (this is old-time writer code for Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelope). I will speak of this at greater length, and in more detail, in future. Consider this your Distant Early Warning.

Sea Wrack and Changewind: All of the Archers Beach Stories preorders now stand at 133. Thanks to everyone who has preordered. The ebook will be available from All The Usual Suspects on December 17.

And that gets us to the end of my news.

What’s yours?