Winter is coming

What Went Before:  Wednesday was a Day of Surprises, the upshot being that I won for myself the Coveted Visit with the Cardio Doc, for Christmas Eve.  In an Unrelated Incident, I also threw out my back and have spent the last two days on the sofa, in that unpleasant land between zoned out and hurting.

Which brings us to!

Saturday. Snowing and cold. Winter is back.

Well. That’s one way to lose four pounds. I’m exhausted, but not hurting. Am debating a maintenance dose of muscle relaxants, but I’ve already been mainlining the damn’ things for two days, and as we all learned in biology — the heart is a muscle.

Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and walnuts, which actually — tasted good, which is another reason to stop with the muscle relaxants, ref “lose four pounds” above.

. . . and the jury is back. A maintenance dose of muscle relaxants, it is.

On today’s to-do list is! Tyop logging, swapping out the cat fountains — which, no, can’t wait, because someone lost their balance and spilled crunchies into the pool, thank you, muscle relaxants — packing a go-bag* (Most Important Decision Made: Hassan the Assassin will be representing the Stuffies. Also, I can use my old phone as a tablet, so it will be in the pack, stuffed with all my books, and earphones. Hmm. May want to download a few more audiobooks…), and figuring out what to eat for lunch.

One benefit of the last two days of forced inactivity and zonieness is that Rook has earned his Advanced Lovebug badge, which, as you all know, is usually not awarded to cadets who have under a year in grade, so — quite an accomplishment, there.

And, I think that’s all I have to report. Trooper is on the copilot’s chair, snoring and raring to go after these last few days of sofa duty.

How’s everybody doing?

*I have never before bothered with a go-bag, but here we are.  I don’t really expect to need it soon, but, then, we really didn’t expect Steve to be sent to the ER DO NOT pass ‘Go’ when he’d just dropped in for a routine cardio check.  Better safe than without anything to read.


In which Time is broken

“Time is what keeps everything from happening at once.”


UPDATE:  Finished my tyop read of Diviner’s Bow last night.  Received a anonymous gift of Walker’s Mince Pies in the mail, and! the Tax Packet in email.  Collapsed in the Command Chair and listened to The Goblin Emperor because my eyes wouldn’t focus.  Went to bed early so I could ditto get up, this morning.

Wednesday. Up before the sun. I say this in literal truth. Warm already, going to be warmer.

Breakfast was pumpernickel bread with cream cheese; finishing up the first cup of tea.

Tax Packet printing as I type — no, I take that back. Paper jam. Print job stalled and restarted. Welcome to the Tax Packet, and the first of many ggggrrrrrrrs.

. . . and another paper jam.

. . . and another.

Finally back in business as Rook has appointed himself Overseer of the Print Job, and has turned his Fell Gaze upon the machinery.

Today’s plan is to start the tyop log, go to gym 9:30ish, get my hair cut 10:45ish, go to the grocery and maybe the post office, assuming I can find a place to park, then come home and get back to work.

As I plan, it doesn’t have much to recommend it, and I’m still behind on things I WANT to do, some of which I may have to jettison.

All together now — Adulting is Hard.

Everybody have a good day. Please feel free to talk among yourselves.

Below, the fruits of the hunt, and a candid portrait of Firefly.


Lifters never fall

Sunday Catchup:  I took the day off, did some embroidery, played with cats, read, watched Red One, which I really enjoyed, and will probably watch again.

Monday. Cloudy, now.

Breakfast was a cinnamon roll, because I could. Lunch — dunno. Mac ‘n cheese, maybe.

Stayed up late because Firefly wouldn’t let me get up until we’d seen Ross fairly settled on Finity. Then I had to open the next book to show her that they’d kept their word. Honestly, four years old and nothing but suspicion.

In the Realm of Shameless Self-Promotion! Sea Wrack and Changewind ebook has broken 400 the hard way! Amazon, 367; Apple, 15; BN, 3; Kobo 16. The ebook drops on December 17 — that’s tomorrow!

Today it’s back to the proofing mines. Firefly has already checked in, and Rook arrived for his after-breakfast lap-sit and cuddles. Trooper is in his box on my desk, snoring.

And that? Is all I have. Yes, yes, the non-stop glamour; how do I keep it from ruining me?

What’s everybody up to, today?

Today’s blog title from Diviner’s Bow.

Monkeying with the evidence

Sunday. Cold and bright.

Today is Rolanni Catches a Break Day. Not quite a Writer’s Day Off, but I intend to do some things that (1) have nothing to do with this manuscript, and (2) are possibly enjoyable.

Breakfast was eggs scrambled with potato and onion, and a slice of homemade whole wheat toast. Lunch will be pork chop, butter beans, dressing.

Random Observation of Fact: Steve’s ring, which I had sized to fit the ring finger on my right hand, is now too big for that digit, and I’ve moved it to the second finger of my left hand, where it fits perfectly.

From the Annals of Feline Investigator Cookie Rookafeller, two items of possible interest to his fandom.

1. Every morning when I get up, I take a pill. This morning, I got up, and due to press of business, did not take the pill immediately. When I returned to the bedroom in order to ingest said medication, I found that Investigator Rookafeller had knocked the bottle to the floor and rolled it halfway down the hall in the direction I had taken re business.

2. I store unbroken boxes behind the sofa in the snow annex until I can get around to flattening them and taking them out to the garage/recycling bin. There is one such box in that position now. This morning, as I passed by to open the curtains, I looked into the box, and saw one of the grey foxes that make up part of the cats’ holdings in the box. I took him out and put him on the floor. Investigator Rookafeller *rushed* over from his resting place, grabbed the fox by the scruff, jumped into the box, placed the fox under a wad of packing material, jumped out, LOOKED at me, and went back to where he had been napping. . . . Right. No monkeying with the evidence, Monkey.

I hope everybody has a lovely day. I may or may not be around. Do feel free to visit among yourselves.

On the occasion of Trooper’s 15th Birthday

Saturday. Bright and cold, but most importantly? It is December 14.

This is Trooper’s 15th birthday. The celebrations began early with the Birthday Cat taking his place on the Living Room Observation Post, where, after careful study, he was able to report with confidence that the garden, the lawn, and the maple trees were correctly placed. He then withdrew to share a teaching breakfast with his grandson. He’s now asleep on the copilot’s chair.

In Shameless Self-Promotion, Sea Wrack and Changewinds PAPERBACK retains the coveted #1 New Release banner for its placement in Fantasy Short Stories. The EBOOK edition, which drops on December 17, rejoices in 392 total preorders.

Today, is all about reading galleys, interspersed with one’s duty to the cats, changing the bed, and figuring out what’s for lunch. (Breakfast, for those keeping score, was oatmeal with walnuts and raisins, because Food is Boring. It strikes me that I would not make a very good Haosa.)

Possibly, I’ll knock off early and watch “Red One.” Or, yanno, not.

Which leads to the question — What’s your favorite seasonal movie? I rather liked “While You Were Sleeping,” and I know there’s much fondness for “Die Hard” — but, else?

Picture of the Birthday Cat:

In Which the Writer Recovers

Um. Monday, I believe. Cloudy and cold.

It was a challenge getting out of bed this morning, but I managed the thing by a little after seven, rustled up some oatmeal with sour cherry jam, and am now waiting on the kettle so I can have my second cup of tea before I go to gym, ref “cold” above. Not that I expect it to get that much warmer, but it will give the ice melt time to work on the steps, and me, time to get a little more awake.

Today will be all about catching up on the things I didn’t do this weekend, in favor of turning the copy edits around at faster-than-light speeds. And a nap. A nap sounds really good. But not before gym.

For those who worry about such things, in which set I include myself, the plowguy did come yesterday, around 6:00, I guess. The fact that it now gets dark in the middle of the afternoon makes it seem like everything is happening at midnight.

What else? Ah! Actual News of Note! To wit:
1. Ebook preorders of Sea Wrack and Changewind now stand at! Amazon, 327; Apple, 10; BN, 2; Kobo, 9.

2. The trade paper edition of Sea Wrack… will go on sale this Friday, December 13. The ebook will publish on December 17. The audiobook will be available from Tantor on January 28.

3. The mass market paperback of Ribbon Dance, of which I had begun to have Doubts, will, so I learn in Locus, publish in April.

3a. No, I’ve heard nothing further regarding the audiobook from Tantor.

4. The hardcover and ebook editions of Diviner’s Bow will be published on April 1.

4a. No, I don’t know when the eARC will be offered; possibly 90 days before the Official Pub Date.

4b. No, I have no information about an audiobook.

Oh, look; the sun’s coming out.

So! That’s my news. What’s yours?

Here’s a picture of Apprentice Editorial Assistant Rook Thunderpaws hard at work this weekend:

Attack of the blanket pirates

Friday. Sunny and cold. 23F/-5C right now, said to be heading all the way up to 26F/-3C.

Breakfast was a blueberry muffin. Kettle on for second cup of tea, while I wait for the sun to clear the trees. Lunch will be turkey cutlet, since I bought a pack on sale. One for today, three more to freeze for later.

So! It snowed yesterday. The plowguy came and took care of most of it. The little bit that came down after his visit really is a little bit. I threw ice melt on the steps before I filled the kettle for the first cup of tea.

Today, I go to gym, even though it’s cold and what I really want to do is curl up under a blanket and nap. Adulting sucks. While I’m out, I’ll hit the post office, and the grocery, then I’ll be in until Monday, when the gym once more will require my presence.

I had a good day of writing yesterday — 1,958 new words, bringing the short story to +/-2,575. That was hand-drafted while sitting in the comfy chair in my office, then transcribed/edited/typed into the computer. Absent the option of napping under a blanket, the comfy chair, pad and pen to hand, is looking like where I’ll be this afternoon.

I started to read Alliance Unbound, realized within the first three pages that I had no idea who these people were, and am now re-reading Alliance Rising. I remembered that Steve and I had read it out loud to each other, but — 2018? Yeah. A lot has happened since 2018, not forgetting that we wrote seven books and a buncha short stories of our own, since.

In Actual News: The preorders for Sea Wrack and Changewind have suddenly taken off — thanks to everyone who took the time! We’re now at 264 Amazon preorders; 10 Apple; 2 BN; 9 Kobo. Amazon also lets me know that the ebook edition is the Number One New Release in Fantasy Anthologies and Short Stories.

The trade paper edition of Sea Wrack… will go on sale on Friday, December 13. The ebook will publish on December 17. The hardcover — I’m waiting for a proof of the hardcover, which will not arrive yet for *weeks*, so any hardcover edition will be well down the road.

And that’s the news from the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory.

What’s new with you?

Oh, I may or not have reported here that I bought a new blanket during my trip to the local salvage place a couple days ago.  Yesterday, it came under inspection from the Quality Control Team.  I think it passed…

In which the writer declares for no drama

Thursday. Grey and … well, it has snowed, somewhat …

sticks head out door

… I guess it might be said to be mizzling.

Breakfast was scrambled egg with onion and a spoonful of potato salad, because (1) I never did make hardboiled eggs and (2) the potato salad needs to be used. Lunch is prolly a tuna sandwich on homemade wheat toast, with could be a side of tomato soup. It’s kind of a tomato soup day.

Gym is hereby put off til tomorrow.

Before I forget! Land’s End is having a half-price sale, ending today. In case you, like me, need mock tnecks.

Last night, I said that I was going to be declaring today drama-free, and I’m standing by that decision. I’ll be over in the comfy chair, writing.

I hope everyone has a similarly quiet, productive, and peaceful day.

Here, have some pictures of cats being quiet and peaceful.

Saturday into Sunday

So, yesterday was all about transferring files from Moose to the new-as-yet-nameless desktop.

There were a few heartstopping moments, such as when I thought the new hire was DOA, but the ritual flapping of hands while speaking the relevant incantations produced the revelation that the new screen was the problem, and that problem was? A badly seated HDMI-1 cable.  This particular screen, whose makers apparently harbor Lofty Ideas of one’s ambition, came with two HDMI cables. Installing the second fixed the problem.

At the moment, Moose is hooked up in the living room, with the new screen, and the new hire is here at my desk with the old but still completely functional old screen.

While all those adventures were taking place, my next door neighbors came by with their snowblower and got the driveway sorted, for which I am very grateful.

Also, catching up yesterday’s events — a kind friend sent me not only a baking stone, but a pizza stone.  These join the kneading board which had been given by another friend a few weeks ago.  I am now reading to open my own bakery.  As soon as I get these cats out of here.

Yeah, right.

We’re now caught up on Saturday, and move on to —

Sunday. Cold and grey.

Breakfast was buttermilk biscuits with sausage and cheese. Lunch will be lentil soup.  Drinking my second cup of tea, and there’s a third in my near future.

I cannot tell you how much I’m hoping that the person who agreed to come and install programmable thermostats in this house actually comes and does that. It will be a marvelous thing to arise from my rosy bower to a house that’s warm and not have to shiver for an hour while temps achieve life-sustaining levels.

Last nigh, I realized that, of all the Stuff I did remember to back up for the new computer, I failed to download my Libreoffice user dictionaries, which, at this point in one’s writing career are extensive. So, that’s today’s Big Goal.

Other than that, I have a scene, and what’s probably a short story knocking around in my head, so I may try to sit quietly at a keyboard and see if one, or both, might like to have a chat.

I am reading Magpie Murders and I must say, if Alan was supposed to be a riveting writer with Christie-esque charm, it hasn’t shown up in what I’ve read so far.

Amazon pre-orders for Sea Wrack and Changewind stand at 158; Apple 10; BN 2; Kobo 9.

Here, have a picture of Firefly completing her Solo Hall Blocking Exam.


And the snow comes tumbling from the sky

Friday. Blue skies and cold.

Breakfast is a Kodiak bar and a cup of tea. Lunch will be lentil soup.

There’s about 2 inches of ice-topped snow on the ground. Ashley was to come today, but I told her to stay home until I find out if the new plow guy is going to join the long list of ghosts who have agreed to do stuff and then — well. Ashley reports no power at her house. I’m good, here.

We did not pursue magpies last night, as I got involved in finishing my read of Salvage Right while getting stuff into Dropbox so it can be uploaded to the new computer. I think I’ve got everything, but will be doing a review this morning, and if all is where it should be, I’ll proceed with the changeover, after which I’ll be able to start the next book. Really, the timing on computer switch-out couldn’t have been more perfect. It’s *really* nerve-wracking when you have to shift data in the midst of writing a book or another big project.

So, the new Facebook terms of service mean that I will no longer be posting snippets there. I don’t know if I’ll be leaving the platform entirely. I’m not up on text-based social gathering places that are humane. Bluesky is nice, but it’s a Twitter-replacement, and limited by intent.

Be funny if we all got busted back to blogging.

So, that’s it — the Usual Chores, continue shifting computers, sign some bookplates, make some notes, find something else to read. A quiet day.

What’s your day look like?

Today’s blog title brought to you by Gaelic Storm, “Tell Me Ma.”

Here’s Firefly, overlooking the snow.