
The new year is coming right on down the tracks, and that means — lining up good reading for 2023 and! making travel plans.

Here are a few datapoints to help you plan.

January 3, 2023 Chicks in Tank Tops publication date.  Edited by Jason Cordova, with brand new stories from Esther Friesner, Kevin Ikenberry, Jody Lynn Nye, Joelle Presby, Marisa Wolf, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, and?  More!  No, honestly, there’s a whole lot of good reading in this book, and you don’t want to miss out.  Available from your favorite bookstore.

January 5, 2023Rembrandt’s Station by Christie Meierz releases, a happy fact that will be celebrated by a Zoom launch party on January 7.  Steve and I will be there, and hope that you will, too.  Party details here

February 17-19, 2023:  Boskone 60.  GOHs: Nalo Hopkinson, Vito Ngai, Tui T. Sutherland, Dave Clement.  Steve Miller and Sharon Lee will be attending in person after a several year gap.  We cannot yet reveal our schedules, but we can say that we will be reading from Salvage Right, the 100th Lee and Miller collaboration; participating in a few panels, and hosting a kaffeeklatsch.  Hope to see you there.  Here’s your link to register

February 28, 2023:  The anniversary re-issue of the classic Liaden Regency, Scout’s Progress, with a new and exciting cover by Sam Kennedy, and! a new foreword by the authors, releases from All the Usual Suspects.

Looking a little further down the line — April 28-30, 2023:  Heliosphere 2023.  GOHs: Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, David M. Mattingly.  Registration is open and though it is a thought over four months away, we urge you to register now.  Heliosphere is a small con and depends on its pre-registrations.  Here’s your link.

And, going way, way out, now — July 4, 2023, Salvage Right, the 25th novel set in the Liaden Universe® created by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller back in the last century, releases from all of your favorite bookstores.

. . . I think that’s enough to get us started.

Here ends the year-end advertising special.

FROM EVERY STORM Procrastinators take note!

From Every Storm: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 35, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, may still be preordered from your favorite ebook vendor. Official publication date is Wednesday, November 23 — that’s this Wednesday! At that time, Storm will also be available for download from Baen.

The paper edition is now available for purchase from Amazon and BN.

For those who play the Numbers Game — as of this morning, there are 689 preorders at Amazon, with 60 paper books shipping (!); 18 preorders at Apple; 22 at BN; and 10 at Kobo.

Steve and I thank all of you for your support and enthusiasm for our work, and for keeping the cats in comfort. The cats of course will not thank you for this — they’re cats, and we are their Appointed Spokespersons.


All the News that’s Fit to Print

1   The eARC of Liaden Universe® Volume Five is now available for purchase at  Here’s your link.

1a  LUC 5 includes these stories: Fortune’s Favors, Opportunity to Seize, Shout of Honor, Command Decision, Dark Secrets, A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom, The Gate that Locks the Tree, Preferred Seating, Ambient Conditions, Dead Men Dream, and an authors’ foreword.

1b  LUC5 will be published on February 1, 2022 in trade and ebook.

1c  You may preorder the trade edition from your favorite vendor*.

2   Fair Trade, the 24th novel in the Liaden Universe®, the third book detailing the adventures of Jethri Gobelyn ven’Deelin, is now available for preorder in hardcover* from the Usual Suspects.  It will be published on May 3, 2022.**

2a  The previous books in the Jethri arc are:  Balance of Trade and Trade Secret

3   “From Every Storm a Rainbow,” featuring a Liaden Universe® “holiday” story featuring Sinit Caylon will be available for your free reading pleasure at on-or-about November 15

4   Watch the skies for a Pinbeam chapbook collecting all the so-called “bakery” stories, including new story, “Our Lady of Benevolence.”

*Baen ebooks are never available for preorder — this has to do with Baen’s long-standing tradition of making eARCs available.  The ebook edition will be published on the day the paper edition publishes and will be available for purchase at that time from Baen, Amazon, BN, Apple, Kobo, and so on.

**We have no news of an audiobook edition at this time.  Be certain that we will shout this news from the rooftops, once it is in our possession.

Shameless Self Promotion

1   Today!  Is Trader’s Leap Book Day!  This means the hardcover and ebook editions are available from your favorite vendor.

1a   If you have Just Now Realized that you would like to have a signed copy of Trader’s Leap, Uncle Hugo’s has a few more pre-signed copies.  Here’s your link.

1b   If you — yes, you; I see you there in the corner — have finished reading Trader’s Leap and Want to Talk About It, there is a spoiler discussion in progress at this link.  This is a moderated venue, so your post will not appear immediately.  It will be made public within 24 hours, and usually sooner, but we do sleep, and having the cats moderate just hasn’t worked out.

2   Ambient Conditions:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 31 is now available from your favorite ebook vendor.  This chapbook contains two stories — previously published “A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom,” and title story “Ambient Conditions,” plus an authors’ foreword.

2a   The paper edition of Ambient Conditions is available from Amazon onlyHere’s your link.

3   Paul Semel interviewed Lee and Miller.  You can read the results here.

4   Tomorrow night — that’s Wednesday, December 2, at 7 pm PST — Steve and Sharon will be reading from Trader’s Leap, talking trash, and taking questions at Mysterious Galaxy.  If you’d like to be part of this festive occasion, you need to sign up in advance.  The instructions for doing so can be found at this link.

5   If you haven’t read “Preferred Seating,” the companion story to “Ambient Conditions,” and teaser for Trader’s Leap, you still have a couple of days to grab it while it’s free at  Here’s your link.

EDITED TO ADD 6:  The Theory, insofar as it has been expressed to us, is that, yes, there will be an Audible edition of Trader’s Leap.  No, we don’t know when.  We are sorry not to be more informative, but authors pretty much are the last to know.

And that?  Is all the news that’s fit to print.

Everybody stay safe and stay healthy.

Liaden Universe® Dance Card, November and December 2020

Confused by all the extra busyness surrounding the Liaden Universe® and Things Lee and Miller lately?

Yeah, me too.

What we need?  Is a Numbered List.  So!

1   Uncle Hugo’s is offering signed copies of the hardcover edition of Trader’s Leap, the 23rd novel set in the Liaden Universe® created and authored by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.  You may preorder by clicking this link.

1a  You may also preorder (unsigned copies of) Trader’s Leap from your favorite bookstore, but!  you may not preorder the ebook.  This is the way it always is.  The ebook edition will be available for download on publication day: December 1, 2020.

2   Offworld Designs is having a sale!  50% off Liaden shirts and t-shirts.  The prices on the catalog page are already marked down, so you know what you’re spending before you get to the checkout.  You can take advantage of the sale by clicking this link.

3   Baen books is having a sale on Liaden ebooks.  Go the ebook vendor of your choice (including and fill in any holes you may have in your Liaden Universe® ebook collection.  See the promo for this event by clicking this link.

4  The mass market edition of Accepting the Lance, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, the 22nd Liaden Universe® novel, was published on October 27, and is available from your favorite bookstore.

5   The Wrong Lance, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, being the false start to the novel that became Accepting the Lance was also published on October 27, and is available at your favorite ebook vendor.

6   The paper copy of The Wrong Lance is available only from Amazon.  You may purchase it by clicking this link.

7   Ambient Conditions: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 31 is now available for pre-order from Amazon, Apple, and Kobo (other vendors will be along shortly, so keep checking in at your favorite ebookstore).  This chapbook will publish on November 27.  It includes reprint “A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom,” title story “Ambient Conditions,” original to this book, and an authors’ foreword.

7a  Ambient Conditions will be available from Baen on its publication date, November 27.

7b  The paper edition of Ambient Conditions will be available on or near November 27 from Amazon, only.

8   A new splinter has been posted to  “Cheese it, the cops!”  You may read the splinter by clicking this link.

9   Lee and Miller will be reading from Trader’s Leap and talking trash in a virtual event being held by Mysterious Galaxy on December 2 at 7 pm.  You must sign up for this event beforehand.  Instructions may be found at this link.  Do remember that Mysterious Galaxy keeps Pacific Time.  7 pm PT is 10 pm Eastern Time.  Plan accordingly.

10  “Preferred Seating,” a story in support of Trader’s Leap, will automagically appear at in mid-November.  This story will be free for everyone to read.

Phew.  I think that’s everything.  Please feel free to point friends who may also be confused to this blog post.


Leap Into Liad ebook Sale!

All Liaden Universe® titles published by Baen Books will be on sale from your favorite ebook vendor from  November 3 through November 30!  This is a perfect chance to complete your collection, and to prepare for the Big December 1 release of the newest Liaden novel, Trader’s Leap.

Here’s your link to Baen’s promotional announcement.

Let the shopping begin.

Of pre-orders, Kickstarters, and author events

This is your Friendly Reminder that you may pre-order signed (but not personalized) copies of Trader’s Leap, the twenty-third volume in Sharon Lee and Steve Miller’s Liaden Universe® from Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore.  Here’s your link.

Those who are so minded may purchase the eARC of Trader’s Leap right now, directly from Baen.  Here’s your link.

If you’re on the fence about the whole Trader’s Leap thing, you may read sample chapters starting here.

Also available for pre-order at all of the Usual Suspects is the ebook edition of The Wrong Lance, which was previously published at Splinter Universe and at the Lee-and-Miller Patreon page.  I’m going to do y’all the honor of assuming that you know how to find your favorite electronic bookstore and not pile up a long line of links here.  Baen will be offering this title for sale electronically, as well, starting on October 27.  Also, for those who favor paper — there will be a paper edition of The Wrong Lance, but that edition will not be available for order until-or-pretty-near-to October 27, for Reasons of Amazon.

Lawrence M. Schoen is sponsoring a Kickstarter to publish Eating Authors:  100 Writers’ Most Memorable Meals.  I have an essay in this volume, as do 99 other authors you know or should know.  Fifty percent of the profits from the sale of this volume will be donated to the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Emergency Medical Fund, and 50% will be donated to cancer research.  If you would like to support this effort, here’s your link.

On December 2, at 7 pm PT, Steve and I will be doing a Virtual Event “at” Mysterious Galaxy.  We’ll be reading from Trader’s Leap, and chatting with attendees.  Please note that is 7 pm Pacific Time, which is 10 pm Eastern.  Please check your time zone carefully.  Here’s your link to the event information.


We’re back!

There was a database catastrophe at our web hosting facility, which brought down,, and for a few days.  We are back now, and in catch-up mode.

So, let’s catch up!

1  The Wrong Lance, Splinter Universe Presents, Volume 2 has been compiled into an ebook and is available for preorder from The Usual Suspects.  Here’s a so-called “universal” link.  Here’s the link for the Kindle edition.

1a  YES, the ebook will be available from Baen, but not until Release Day.  Baen does not have the ability to take pre-orders for Pinbeam Books (the Lee&Miller Publishing Arm)

1b  YES, there will be a paper book, but not until (or a little before or after).  Amazon is our source for paper books, and Amazon has not so far been able to figure out how to allow people to pre-order paper books

1c  If you want to talk about The Wrong Lance with other readers, a discussion area has been created for you, here

2  The eARC of Trader’s Leap, the 23rd novel in the Liaden Universe® created and authored by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller is now available for download.  Here’s your link

2a  If you’d like to read a sample of Trader’s Leap, that starts here

3  You may preorder a signed (not personalized) copy of the Trader’s Leap hardcover from Uncle Hugo’s SF Bookstore.  Here’s your link

3a  For those who have not heard the news, Uncles Hugo and Edgar were lost to the Minneapolis riots.  The owner, Mr. Blyly (aka the Uncle), wished to make signed books available to long-time customers and Liaden Universe® readers.  The only way this could be made to work was for Baen to have the printer send Steve and me pages for us to sign.  These pages will be bound into a set of books and sent to Mr. Blyly.  This process of binding in a special page is in the industry called “tipped in,” which technical description you will see on the catalog page linked above.

3b  Trader’s Leap hardcover may also, of course, be preordered from your favorite bookstore, whatever it is.

3c  You may not preorder the ebook edition of Trader’s Leap from your favorite bookstore as yet.  This is because of how Baen markets its bundles and eARCS and that’s all I know on the subject.

3d  There is no word yet on an audio edition.

4  If you have read the Trader’s Leap eARC and Want To Talk About It, a Spoiler Discussion space has been set up here


REMINDER! Pre-order your signed copy of Accepting the Lance!

The Uncle has spoken, to wit:

People have been asking all year when they will be able to order signed copies of the next Liaden novel by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, Accepting the Lance ($25.00, expected early December), and you can get your copy personalized if you order by November 10.  We’ve just arranged to also have signed copies of two Liaden novelettes in trade paperback, Adventures in the Liaden Universe #28: Fortune’s Favor ($8.00, expected by mid-September) and Adventures in the Liaden Universe #29: Shout of Honor ($10.00, expected by mid-September).  These will be signed but not personalized.  If you wish to order all 3 Liaden books, we can either send the trade paperbacks right away (with a $6.00 shipping charge) and the hardcover in December (with another $6.00 shipping charge), or we can hold them all until December (and only have a single $6.00 shipping charge).  If you are ordering all 3 Liaden books, please let us know in the Order Comments section during checkout if you want one shipment or two shipments.  The Order Comments section is also where you should put your personalization request for Accepting the Lance.

Here is your link to the preorder page at Uncle Hugo’s SF Bookstore.

Here is the link to the Uncle’s newsletter, which lists events and lots of other opportunities to acquire signed books from your favorite author.

For those joining us for the first time:  Signed means that the authors will write their names in your book.  Personalized means that the authors will transcribe a short message supplied by you in your book, and also sign it.

Notes about personalized books:  The authors reserve the right to reject any personalization request for any reason.  This is solely up to the authors; there is no appeal.  Pro Tip:  The best way to make sure your personalization request is honored is to keep it short, keep it clean, and keep it polite.  Thank you.

All righty, then!  Start that pre-ordering.

One! More! Time!

Here’s the link.