Before we get started, a Shout Out: Karen Rix Krah, if you are within the sound of my voice, please email me! Thanking you…
What went before: Boy, that sweet potato was good. One of the “Japanese” sweet potatoes, with the purplish skin and the white flesh.
I am currently rearranging the drawers in the pantry so I can centralize my baking stuff, and get to it more easily.
When Steve got taken with the need to rearrange things, or clean the house, he would say, “I’m writing — no, really I am.” And it did more often than not turn out that, next day, or that night, he’d be hitting the keyboard.
So, yanno — I’m writing.
Rook came out to the dining room to eat a few crunchies and keep me company. He’s gone back to the jetpak in the living room. Tali and Trooper are in my office with me, and Firefly is spending the day in Steve’s office.
Some Hours Later: OK, the pantry makes more sense to me now, in re having all the most-used baking things in one accessible drawer instead of some way over my head, some more way down there, and the rest at waist level.
Firefly and Tali were having a game of tag — not sure where Tali is at the moment. Rook is playing with his robot mouse. Trooper is on the co-pilot’s chair with interested ears, trying to figure out What That Kid Is Doing without, yanno, actually getting up and looking.
The Early Report: The cats woke me at 6, according to the bedroom clock, which I’ll need to change later. It was of course 7 and probably they’ve done me a favor, but I’m not feeling the love at the moment.
First cup of tea in hand, and I in my robe am sitting in the comfy office chair under a heated blanket, blinking owlishly at the sun rising over the Long Back Yard.
Can we just choose one, please?
Later: Sunday. Sunny and chilly. Going to make a sprint for 40F/4C. So say the weatherbeans.
I did sit in the comfy chair, under the heated throw, for an hour, drinking my tea, and staring out the window, which I intend to recommence shortly after I finish writing this dispatch to the internets.
Breakfast was pb&j on an English muffin. Second cup of tea at hand. Lunch will be chicken and veggies. (Though I don’t usually report on the evening meal — last night I had a grilled cheese sandwich and It. Was. Awesome.)
I’ve stripped the bed and have made the Command Decision to retire the flannel sheets for the season. So, that’s A Thing.
And — always aside from one’s duty to the cats, and of course, remaking the bed — that may be all Real Life gets out of me today. I have got to fix this damn’ timing issue, or order in another barrel of handwavium. Or, yanno, both. Can’t have too much handwavium in Da Biz.
How’s everybody feeling today?
Bonus: For the folks wondering if I’ve “grown accustomed.” TED talk from Nora McInerny. It’s short, and in my admittedly limited experience, accurate.
Today’s blog post title brought to you by the sainted Mr. James Thurber: The Thirteen Clocks, which, if you haven’t read it — do that. No, I mean now.