Still mostly ghosting the online life. Work and Whatnot — with more Whatnot than I believe is allowed under the Terms of the Contract.
Still fighting the good fight against our Android Overlords. I will get my books off of my tablet before it dies, or I’ll know the reason why — which? I’ve never understood why that was a threat.
I have committed retail therapy. A light — mat? flat? you can hardly call it a box at 0.16 inches thick — is on its way to me, which will make several projects I have in my longeye easier. Also, in case I get Really Crazy, which there are Signs that I might, it’s small enough to fit in my laptop bag, in case I want to take it with me.
[Tangential Story: Back aways, my father took it into his head that maybe I was so weird because I was An Artist. He was something of a minor draftsman himself, so he took some pains to provide me with a light box, and two sets of beginner design packets (fashion and monsters — covering all his bases, as it were). I did really enjoy the light box, which, back then, was a sloping plastic “table” with a white plastic work surface, powered by a 40 watt bulb, and kept it with me for a long time (I think I still had it when I moved in with Steve), but as it turned out, I wasn’t An Artist, which was kind of a disappointment to my dad. Many years later, when I announced that I was A Writer, he bought me an unabridged dictionary.]
Here in Maine, it’s hot and sunny, with hotter coming down the pike. I have the curtains closed over the many windows in my office, and the heat pump on COOL.
Steve is doing something with phyllo and blueberries, and I — have a short story to write. Well. *cracks knuckles*
Guess I’d better Get To It.
What’re you doing this weekend?