If I’m writing it must be Saturday

Still mostly ghosting the online life. Work and Whatnot — with more Whatnot than I believe is allowed under the Terms of the Contract.

Still fighting the good fight against our Android Overlords. I will get my books off of my tablet before it dies, or I’ll know the reason why — which? I’ve never understood why that was a threat.

I have committed retail therapy. A light — mat? flat? you can hardly call it a box at 0.16 inches thick — is on its way to me, which will make several projects I have in my longeye easier.  Also, in case I get Really Crazy, which there are Signs that I might, it’s small enough to fit in my laptop bag, in case I want to take it with me.

[Tangential Story: Back aways, my father took it into his head that maybe I was so weird because I was An Artist. He was something of a minor draftsman himself, so he took some pains to provide me with a light box, and two sets of beginner design packets (fashion and monsters — covering all his bases, as it were). I did really enjoy the light box, which, back then, was a sloping plastic “table” with a white plastic work surface, powered by a 40 watt bulb, and kept it with me for a long time (I think I still had it when I moved in with Steve), but as it turned out, I wasn’t An Artist, which was kind of a disappointment to my dad. Many years later, when I announced that I was A Writer, he bought me an unabridged dictionary.]

Here in Maine, it’s hot and sunny, with hotter coming down the pike.  I have the curtains closed over the many windows in my office, and the heat pump on COOL.

Steve is doing something with phyllo and blueberries, and I — have a short story to write.  Well.  *cracks knuckles*

Guess I’d better Get To It.

What’re you doing this weekend?

4 thoughts on “If I’m writing it must be Saturday”

  1. WhatamIdoing? Scratching at first of the season mosquito bites which always seem more “itchy” than later in the season. Said mosquitoes had access to me from the 4 previous days of riding my bicycle along the Rio Grande in Albuquerque. 5 days ago was my bike maintenance day, working in my courtyard near my front door. Washed my bike then began adding “antipuncture slime” to my front tire. Forecasted rain began, I moved rear wheel into my foyer while the rest of the bike was under a very short porch, ultimately moving the whole project into the foyer while hail piled up outside looking like an unlikely snowfall. I was aware my late wife wouldn’t have allowed me to work in the foyer & I was successful in not making a mess. & so it goes…

  2. well, made bread Friday (mostly white with 2-3 cups of Red Fife mixed in). Today got out my white sourdough starter, stirred & fed it, then put a little of it into another container and fed it with rye so I can attempt some sour rye in a few days (after a few more rye feedings). Both going great guns, so I count that as a (potential) success. other than that, mostly loafing. At my age I claim that right! ;=}

    Shoulda gone out for a bike ride today, but am too lazy. my bad knee likes it when I ride my bike, so I can’t stay off too long, else it’ll start complaining.


  3. When I had trouble with an arc I bought on Baen I called Samsung support to get it transferred onto my nook. That my be an avenue to pursue in trying to get books off an android. They spent almost two hours with me and were extremely helpful and pleasant. I have alot of problems with technology no my advice may be useless. I am blessed with two sons who are willing to help me.

  4. Laundry – that is what our household has been doing. All weekend. I think the final count was 15 loads. Daughter has temporarily moved home after her 4th rental in a year was cut short by a landlord wanting his house back and she brought a little washing home with her! Fortunately, it has been a sunny weekend here so all but the final load is dry and ready to pack away for the next, hopefully longer term, move.

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