Today is the day! The day that Accepting the Lance, the 22nd novel in the Liaden Universe® created by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller is officially released*!
We here at the Confusion Factory are of course very excited, and grateful that Baen was able to get the book — submitted in January — out this year.
We do know that there are a number of you who purchased the eARC, and therefore are finding the Book Day festivities a little flat. If you wish, you may celebrate by leaving a review for LANCE on the venue of your choice.
The authors are celebrating each in our own way. First, by announcing Book Day as far and as wide as we may. Secondly, Steve is celebrating by working on the next book detailing the adventures of Jethri Gobelyn, which is due on Madame’s desk in May 2020. And, thirdly, I am celebrating by editing Trader’s Leap, scheduled for publication in November/December 2020.
The chickadees, titmice, nuthatchen, goldfinches, sparrows, and cardinals are celebrating by mobbing the bird feeders, because it’s snowing up a Real Storm here in Central Maine.
In other news, I am due at the surgeon’s office tomorrow at 2 pm, by which time the snow will have stopped and the driveway cleared. This visit will determine if my time in the Command Chair is about to end or if it will be another four weeks until I see my shadow.
Fingers crossed.
*Yes, there is supposed to be an Audible edition. No, I don’t know why it’s not available. No, I don’t know when it will be available. Authors are always the last to know these things. Naturally, I deplore my ignorance, and the distress of those who had hoped to listen to the book today, but, really, the non-appearance of the Audible edition is not my fault.
I’m so excited! I did a re-read of everything this summer and I’ve been pining for the series ever since.
And fingers crossed for good news!
Its wonderful. Thank you.
Great stuff, bringing the big arc (overarc?) to its end, and enough hints of what can come next.
Looking out over my vast array of Liaden books, and summarizing the plots to myself, I realized that I could skip all the way to Dragonship to begin my rereading there in preparation for the new book, Lots of fun readng again and after I dive into “Accepting the Lance” a couple times through, I will be ready to start at Book1 again and read all things Liaden from front to back, firmly fitting this latest offering in its place in the Liaden U iverse that lives in my mind.