New Liaden Universe® Chapbook

Shout of Honor: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 29 will be published on May 15.  Hey, that’s WEDNESDAY!

On Wednesday, you will find the ebook at, Kobo, BN, Amazon, and other online vendors.  You will also find a paper edition, available from Amazon only, available for purchase, starting, I hope, on Wednesday, but, yanno, maybe sooner, maybe later.  But eventually.

If you are the impatient sort, you may preorder Shout. . . right now from your favorite online vendor and have it delivered to your ereader first thing Wednesday morning.

For preorders:  BN, Kobo, Amazon, Apple*

If you missed it, there is a substantial snippet at the bottom of this blog entry

*Unless we have mentioned another store in the text of the book somewhere, in which case, no, Apple will not be selling it and you’ll have to find another vendor.  Also, it looks like Apple is charging $4.99 for Shout. . .  Everybody else is charging retail:  $4.25

7 thoughts on “New Liaden Universe® Chapbook”

  1. Your link to Amazon works fine. Searching author “Sharon Lee” sorting by Publication Date does not show pre-order link. Searching author “Steve Miller” shows only books up to 2015. Searching “Liaden” shows pre-order link. While I’d sure rather you were able to spend your time writing you might want to look into this.

  2. Not even going to START looking into it. Amazon already ate WAY too much writing time in April when it screwed up the ebook edition of Fortune’s Favors. In a couple days, Shout will be available for actual purchase, and Amazon’s act will be in gear, for values of &c.

  3. Mine’s been pre-ordered since you first mentioned it. Only one more day . . . yay!

  4. Just checked Amazon and the paper copy is available for purchase RIGHT NOW! I of course ordered it and it is due to be delivered on Thursday. I will get the e-copy first thing Wednesday morning of course since I pre-ordered it as soon as it was available for purchase but I always like an actual paper copy too. Looking forward to reading it…as I do all you and Steve write.

    Anne in Virginia

  5. One more day…Baen not listing early (so far). I’m standing here (actually sitting here, but hey) tapping my toe. I gobbled up Fortune’s Favor way too fast – fortunately ya can’t get eye-burn like the heart-burn I get when I eat way to fast.

    Cheers All

  6. No, Baen *doesn’t* list early. What we do, when we’re going to release a Pinbeam Chapbook, is contact Baen *first* to find out when they can publish the book without killing themselves. Once we have their timeline, we do our deal with the other vendors, and offer preorders until publication date.

  7. Heck o’ Friday, that’s more complicated than I thought. I’d offer ya double-$ to receive an electronic manuscript directly ‘cept it’d likely end up fouling things up even more. Oh well…that’s just my spastic brain thinking too much!


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