One for Sorrow

Tuesday. Sunny and cold. The weatherbeans are adamant in their prediction of rain. We Shall See.

Trash and recycling at the curb. Did gym-like things at the gym. Car gassed up. Cat browsing stations replenished. Dishwasher emptied. Second cup of tea to hand.

Breakfast was … hours ago, actually. Um. Ah. Cottage cheese, grapes, toasted cheese bread. Lunch will be beanloaf and gravy over bread with a side salad.

Picked up yesterday’s mail today (yes, yes, but I don’t care to walk up to the street in the Stygian Darkness of 4:30pm, which is when my mail is typically delivered. I’m not expecting anything so precious that it can’t wait until tomorrow morning.) Progressive Insurance wants to sell me auto insurance, naturally, but they also want to sell me pet insurance, which — is a thought.

Those who have pet insurance — pros and cons?

ALL of the cats slept with me last night and who can blame them? It was cold.

Before that, we all watched the first episode of Magpie Murders, and enjoyed ourselves. Trooper is not impressed with Andreas, FWIW, and I’m a little uneasy, myself. I want to like him, but . . . . Firefly likes Mr. Pund, but then, she likes older men. Rook liked the magpies — family connections, I think.

I — am puzzled, but willing to continue to play. I did like the montage of the Writer at Work — very true to life, except Alan’s hand-drafts seemed much cleaner than any hand-draft has a right to be. The mysteries are interesting. I had been fearing a rewrite of Naked Once More, but we don’t seem to be going there.

Susan is — an editor. Who works for an agenting firm, and who obviously comes from money, because — that flat! And — she’s an editor. She reads client manuscripts curled up in a pretend comfy chair, and at the dining room table. In all of that flat there is no office.

Second episode penciled in for this evening.

Other than that, I have a List, and I’d better get to work.

What’s everybody doing today?

A Mischief of Magpies

Monday. Sunny and chill.

Breakfast was a tomato sandwich on toasted cheese bread and red grapes. Still drinking my first cup of tea. Lunch is — I have leftovers to choose from; no need to be hasty.

So, I didn’t get to the Magpie Murders last night; I sat down to read “a few pages” of Salvage Right — have you guys read this? It’s good. — to refresh myself before I go too far down an interesting idea-road for the next book I need to write. Maybe tonight.

Today’s chores include one’s duty to the cats, a visit to the chiropractor, the post office, and the grocery store — I ran out of milk; this never happens. And I don’t seem to have any just plain ol’ all-purpose flour, so that can’t stand, and yanno? Flowers might be nice. Haven’t had flowers in the house for a bit.

I’ll also be staging the trash in the garage for tomorrow’s journey to the curb. And, since I never got ’round to it yesterday, cleaning up my computer desktop and making backups for transfer to the new computer, when it arrives.

The weatherbeans are talking snow on Thursday, which isn’t the best timing in the world, and that event would seem to be Winter’s Clarion Call, because, after, temps are apparently going to move sharply downward, and keep sliding.

. . .and that’s about all I’ve got to say for myself this morning. The cats are trying out the various sunspots, and Trooper is explaining . . . something to me. Probably the cure for cancer. When are we getting that translation program?

Everybody have a good day.

Here, have some music.  “The Thieving Magpie Overture,” Rossini, Utah Youth Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Barbara Scowcroft

Now in Ring One: Rookie the Cookie vs Firefly the Fireball

All righty, then. Sunday! Cloudy with occasional sun, breezy, and cool.

Up at 6:15, thanks to Cat Rasslin’ on the bed. I complained to the contestants and evicted them, but by the time all that was done, I really wanted a cup of tea. Management has since informed me that the bout had been scheduled and that I should read the newsletter.

Breakfast was toasted cheese bread and grapes, because that counts as breakfast. Lunch will be (some of) the lopsided bean loaf in tomato sauce, with a side salad.

First load of laundry on the day is drying, second washing.

I am remiss in reporting that Sea Wrack and Changewind: All of the Archers Beach stories, has broken 100 preorders, and in fact rejoices in 121! The ebook will publish on December 17. I’ll be laying out the paper editions this week. More news on that as there’s news to report.

It has been Revealed to me that the reason Lee-and-Miller could get so much stuff done is because it was Lee-and-Miller. Even as we lamented the damage and inevitable slowing down caused by chronic exposure to time, it’s still true that two were quicker than one. That Revelation having been received and swallowed, I (re)joined the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance, and now I need to investigate the benefits of that membership, which is said to include help in promotion.

Chores on the day include flattening boxes — always cathartic — cleaning up the computer desktop which has gotten, um, really out of hand, and making back-ups to transfer to the new computer when it arrives. Also, I need to somehow get the Samsung TV to admit that PBS Passport exists. Thank ghu for the Sheer Amount of Technology in this house — I have located one of several bluetooth keyboards, which I hope will be useful in opening communication.

And I think that will do for the morning report. The cats are variously deployed, and Rook (Rasslin’ Name: Rookie the Cookie) is, grumpily, wearing his harness.