So! Yesterday, Steve and I took off in the rain to see the Very First Waterville Showing of Aladdin. I had such a good time. Yes, I know there’s Controversy. Yes, I’m aware that Will Smith is not Robin Williams*. I still had a great time; I have no fault to find and, yeah, Imma order the DVD. Also, Rajah the Tiger was terrific.
After the movie, we went into Waterville proper and had our first meal at the new Greek restaurant, Opa. Steve had the crabcakes, which he pronounced very good; I had the lamb kokkinsto (pulled lamb in a red sauce seasoned with garlic and cinnamon on a bed of orzo), which was excellent.
Replete, we wandered down Main Street, stopping to talk with our friend Ellen at Children’s Book Cellar and review the plans for the Drag Queen Story Hour next Saturday, and sought her advice regarding the upcoming International Film Festival (held in Waterville annually).
Then, we wandered back up the street, got the car, hit the grocery story for weekend supplies and came home, where we hung pictures in the dining room. Yes, yes; it’s taking us awhile to hang the pictures, but we’re getting there.
Today is gloriously sunny, and the weatherbeans are calling for a high of 74F/23C. I have all the windows open in my office. Have I mentioned lately how much I love my office?
Lest you think that the only thing we’re doing around here is taking day’s off, I report today’s to-do list, which includes!
- One hour proofing Conflict of Honors mass market anniversary edition. Which is not as easy as you might think. Our experience proofing Agent of Change for it’s anniversary edition revealed, um, Some Number of Errors which had come through from the time, long ago, when We gave the electronic files from Embiid to Arnold of Fond Memory, who then stripped out the existing coding, and recoded, automagically. So! We’re proofing Conflict against the Meisha Merlin and the Del Rey editions. Which means I (1) read the chapter in the MM edition; (2) go through that chapter in the pages provided by Baen, correcting any errors, and (3) if there’s a conflict, the Del Rey edition is the tie-breaker. Yeah, it’s taking some time. But the corrections aren’t due until July, so we have time.
- Figure out where the pieces Steve has given me back actually go in the current novel WIP, and putting them there.
- Writing the next scene in said novel WIP.
- Deadhead the geranium.
- Try on corset to test The Look for next week’s story hour.
Also! For those who missed the news, you may now purchase Fortune’s Favors: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 28 AND Shout of Honor: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 29 in ebook format from your favorite online vendors including Baen, Kobo, BN, Amazon; and in paper format from Amazon only.
. . . and I think that gets us all caught up again.
Everybody have a good weekend!
*I was 40 when the animated Disney Aladdin came out, so I did not fixate on Robin Williams as the One True Genie before whom all others must be inadequate. Truth told, he was a little too too for me, but that was often my experience of Robin Williams.