As promised, Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore in Minneapolis, will be — is! — taking pre-orders for signed and personalized copies of /Dragon in Exile/, the 18th novel entry in the Liaden Universe®, the history of same having been faithfully recounted by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, Chroniclers of Korval since Nineteen-Aught-Eighty-Eight.Please read the following carefully, and then act in accordance with your necessities and estate.There is a deadline in play for personalized copies (in which “personalized” means that you ask the authors to write something /in addition/ to their names in your book). Personalized copies must be pre-ordered by May 1. Also! If you want your book personalized, you must write the personalization in the box provided on the Uncle Hugo’s order form. The authors will reproduce what you have written on the half-title page UNLESS the personalization requested is, in the sole judgment of the authors too long and/or offensive.Pre-orders for signed copies (in which “signed” means that the authors wrote their names in your book, period), will be taken until all the books are gone.Uncle Hugo’s ships worldwide and does not charge your credit card until your order is ready to ship.
Baen Writes Contract for Two More Liaden Novels
Toni Weisskopf, publisher and woman of all work at Baen Books, has contracted for two additional Liaden Universe® novels, to be handed in during 2018/2019. These two novels are in addition to the Five Book Dash, of which Dragon in Exile is First (of Five) and Alliance of Equals is Second. Lee and Miller are calling these two newly contracted novels, the Mask Books, for Reasons.
This means that there are currently six more Liaden books in your (and our) future. If you see Toni at a con, or online, or, yanno, at the grocery store — be sure to thank her for supporting your reading habit.
Shan and Priscilla Ride Again
We have posted, on Splinter Universe, an introduction to, and two outtake chapters from, Shan and Priscilla Ride Again, a Liaden novel which was never finished, though it was written out to 15 chapters (about 22,000 words). Here are your links:
For the next 16 weeks (aka through August 3, with one week off (the week of June 8) because, Book Tour), we will be posting a chapter from Shan and Priscilla Ride Again on Splinter Universe. The reason it’s 16 weeks for 15 chapters is because there is a prologue, which we will post next Monday, April 13.
Lee and Miller Commit Patreon
Over the years lots of you have asked us for a mechanism to show extra support for what we do, to avoid the necessity of our taking time and energy away from our writing when the slings and arrows of coincidence, cat illnesses, people illnesses, and even car breakdowns.
At one point in our career, we thanked folks, and said we’re OK, we’ve got SRM Publisher to help us through. That’s because SRM’s purpose was to fill-in the cash flow freelancers see, which comes in lumps (or sometimes even big lumps) a few times a year and which then leave in big lumps to pay the bills that have accumulated during the in-betweens. But SRM closed because of Steve’s medical issues that ended up with an ICD implant and a long recovery period. Alas, those sling and arrows of life, didn’t stop.
We’ve had a few readers and fans recognize that situation, and volunteer to support us with a few extra dollars through a monthly direct Paypal donation, or through the mail. Others of our readers participate through our Splinter Universe offerings — again, some on a per story basis, some through a scheduled donation.
In the face of our house-hunt and approaching deadlines on a whole bunch of books, we finally agreed to test the waters of a more formal crowd-funded system, since we can’t **always** come up with a story, chapter or splinter when we’re in the midst of book stuff. So we’re testing Patreon, a well-known system that in some ways is similar to Kickstarter — but which doesn’t need to meet a number of Kickstarter’s not uncomplicated rules and assumptions.
If you’d like to kick in an extra $buck or two every month, you can help. We’ll continue to feed Splinter Universe with odds and ends of things as we can and we’ll be able to concentrate and knock down the medical bills and the cat bills and car replacement bills along the way while having a clearer idea of how much house we should be looking for — it might even help us move closer to the ocean!
Here’s where you go for details, and to sign on to Patreon.
If instead you’d like to send direct via Paypal you can do that too — see the links at Splinter Universe (add links), and if you prefer a snailmail connection — we’re at Steve Miller, PO Box 1586, Waterville, ME 04903 … thanks!
Lee and Miller Mini-Tour in June
Baen Books and Simon and Schuster are sending Steve and Sharon on a mini book tour in support of Dragon in Exile, in June. Here’s where we’ll be:
Tuesday, June 2, 7-9 pm — RELEASE DAY PARTY at Pandemonium Books, 4 Pleasant Street, Cambridge MA
Wednesday, June 3, 6:30-9 pm — The Toadstool Bookstore, Colony Mill Marketplace, 222 West Street, Keene NH
Thursday, June 4, 6-8 pm — The Toadstool Bookstore, 586 Nashua Street, Milford NH
Friday, June 5, 7-9 pm — Annie’s Book Stop of Worcester, 65 James Street, Worcester MA
Saturday, June 6, 7-9 pm — Northshire Books, 424 Broadway, Saratoga Springs NY
Sunday, June 7, 3-4 pm — Flights of Fantasy, 381 Sand Creek Road, Albany NY
2015 Publication Schedule
May 15: Short story for, title TBA
June 2: Dragon in Exile, 18th novel of the Liaden Universe(R)
August 4: A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume 3
Delivery Schedule (NOTE: these are deadlines for turn-in Madame the Editor, NOT publication dates)
April 15, 2015: Short story for, title TBA
May 29, 2015: Alliance of Equals
November 15, 2015: Sequel to Alliance of Equals (aka Third of Five)
August 15, 2016: Fourth of Five
May 15, 2017: Fifth of Five
June 15, 2018: Mask One
April 15, 2019: Mask Two
Blogs and Other Webly Things of Note
Sharon Lee’s blog, Eagles over the Kennebec:
Sharon Lee’s “Professional” blog:
Splinter Universe Discussion List: <>
Facebook Connections — please feel free to add us! — Steve Miller — Sharon Lee
Pinbeam Books: an online catalog, with vendor links, to all Lee-and-Miller eChapbooks
Splinter Universe: features outtakes, splinters, oddities from the Lee&Miller writing career, currently changes irregularly.
Welcome to Liad — The official homepage for Liaden Universe® news —
The Hyperspatial Boardwalk Shop: T-shirts, mugs, more! —
Clan Korval:
Friends of Liad:
Flaran chamenthi:
Steve’s on Twitter:
Sharon’s on Twitter, too:
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