I shall sum up.
1. Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume 3 (in paper) is temporarily out of stock. There are still books in the distribution stream, though Amazon is presently only offering it for sale through third-party vendors, and Baen has said that they will be reprinting. In the meantime, if you need a book now, remember those third party vendors — especially Uncle Hugo’s, where there are still at least a dozen signed copies available. Here’s your link.
2. On Monday, we put out a call for help in spreading the word regarding our effort to increase the monthly pledge level at our Patreon account to $2,000, so that we can get a generator in here before winter falls on our heads. At this moment, we have $2,004.50 in monthly pledges. You guys. . .You’re just awesome.
3. Pursuant to #2, above, we yesterday had Mike the Master Electrician in to scope out the place and make recommendations for generators. This is going to be complicated, involving site prep, a visit from Central Maine Power, from the propane company, and Mike himself. Still, barring a stupidly early winter, we ought to be able to get this thing done in good time.
4. We are into Week Two of the Do It Like a Delm Challenge — you may view the current entries here. Remember! Each week’s winner will be awarded a coupon good for a free Baen ebook of their choice. Plus, yanno, we’d really like to see what y’all are up to. Here are the contest rules.
5. Trying to get your friends and acquaintances “hooked” on the Liaden Universe®? Of course, you are! Remember that Agent of Change (the Very First Liaden book ever written) and Fledging (the book that starts the Theo arc) are free! from Amazon and from the Baen Free Library.
6. Belle and Trooper have been helping me write:
Today’s blog title brought to you by Gaelic Storm, “Beggerman.” Here’s your link.
“Little Beggerman” when sung. “Red Haired Boy” as a fiddle tune.
Hmmm. Rani Arbo — a fiddler — does a Red Haired Boy…hang on. Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-zSmW7ZIYM
Wonderful news about III. Also about the new generator. So glad you are able to get this done before what is forecast as a very cold winter. May the purchase and installation go smoothly!
I’m so glad the funding was raised to support the generator! I wonder if I’m too egotistical if I think my repost helped…
Such good news today! I’m delighted to hear that there has been such demand for Constellation 3.
Will there be more Liaden stories, or do the collections mean you’re done with the universe? I can’t do without them!
Why on earth would collecting short stories into one place — well, ok; three places. So far. — mean we’re done with the universe? We have — *counts on fingers* — FIVE Liaden Universe(R) novels under contract, so if we’re going to get done with the universe, it won’t be until sometime in 2020. So, you may rest easy for the next five years at least, but I’m curious about the train of thought that Collects Existing Short Stories = No More Stories.