Time seen as a necklace of precious stones

What went before:  Yesterday, I read all the Commander Vepal sections of The Gathering Edge (how is it possible that The Gathering Edge was published in 2017?) — this because of a Notion sent up from the guys in the basement.  I also did a lot of Real Life This and That, because Real Life does have to be tended to, sometimes.

Shameless Self-Promotion:  The audio edition of Sea Wrack and Changewind, by Sharon Lee, being all of the Archers Beach stories in one volume, is now on sale at Tantor Media. Narrated by Alex Picard.  Here’s your link.

Tuesday. Cloudy; it was snowing a little when I took the trash and recycling to the curb. Seems to not be snowing at the moment.

Breakfast was blueberry skyr and tea. Lunch will be beanloaf in mushroom sauce, and a fancy frozen veggie to be named later.

Today’s to-do is reading “Shout of Honor,” performing one’s duty to the cats, and taking a smol walk. Depending on how lively the guys in the basement are feeling, I may spend some time staring at nothing. (Note to Self: restart beer deliveries to the guys in the basement.)

Sartorially speaking, I’m wearing the usual Wrangler carpenter jeans with the pointy-thing pocket repurposed to hold my phone; Steve’s flannel-lined denim shirt (which is magical, I’m sad because (1) mine all wore out long ago, and (2) this style has gone the way of the so-called “shirt jac,” which is still warm, but not as nice), and one of Steve’s necklaces (another Phil Jurus rune: Edram, the rune of the artist).

I was thinking yesterday (when my necklace was the astronomically correct silver moon that Steve gave me for my 60th birthday), that I have a lot of necklaces in my care — some of course more Important than others — and I got to wondering if I could have them made into a memory necklace — like a charm bracelet, but a necklace.

I also have a lot of earrings, because my ears used to be pierced. And I’m wondering if it’s worth my time to have my ears pierced again, or what on earth I’m going to do with All Those Earrings, some of which, again, are more precious than others.

Moving on to the Big Cat Hunt — we await word from the escort service as to date and time. Join me in Watching the Skies.

And that’s all the news from the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory.

What’s your news?

Today’s blog title is brought to you by Samuel R. Delaney, “Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones

Scenes from a late-waking morning:

5 thoughts on “Time seen as a necklace of precious stones”

  1. I’m not faced with what to do with earrings, because I never did have my ears pierced (a statement of resistance to what was then a trend of the times). But I do have a collection of necklaces with precious or semi-precious stones, and others which have neither. I doubt my daughters will really wear them, and I have nowhere to wear them *to* anymore. So . . . they hang on display in their plastic case on my dresser (at least it’s better than being a tangle in my jewelry box).

  2. Back whenever, it was expected that the Dean’s Administrative Assistant be “businesslike,” which for some reason included wearing earrings, and I hated clip-on earrings, which you not only had to take one off when you wanted to use the dern phone, but they hurt. So, yeah, pierced ears for me.

  3. Oh, yeah. I tried clip on earrings, but I had to be desperate to wear them. No, I had a few of the kind that were held on a half-loop with tiny little screw backs that would allow tightening or loosening. Or, I would do something that I had read about in some YA book that I’ve now forgotten: I would use a dab of clear nail polish as “glue” to hold sequins on my ear lobes. Ha-ha! Had forgotten all about *that*!

  4. I kinda like the idea of turning some of the earrings and necklace pendants into a charm bracelet but then have to admit that i would never wear it as I don’t like things jangelling on my wrists. I wear my watch tight enough that it cant go roaming around! That said, the idea of a chain with specifically arranged pendants that don’t shift around is nice. I could wear more of the good memories more often. Now you got me thinking…need to reach out to the jewellery makers in the crafting circle. I don’t have the skills but someone will!

  5. I remember when you decided that your pierced ears weren’t pierced any longer. Clip on earrings are extremely painful to me, so I got my ears pierced when I was in college at a department store who sold me the ball earrings that did the piercing. (I ended up re-doing one of them myself – it wasn’t the same height as the other ear!)

    These days I mostly wear very tiny hoops (~ 3/8″ in diameter) which keep the holes open for those occasions when I feel like wearing a pair of earrings from my collection. Like you, I work at home, so most days I’m not out in the world and don’t bother with changing. The tiny hoops stay in 24/7 – sleeping, showering, haircuts – they don’t get in the way at all. Earrings and rings are my main jewelry items – I have a few bracelets but haven’t ever been much of a necklace person

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