What on earth is the woman DOING?

Writing, pretty much.  With a side order of interviews/pr in support of Salvage Right, which debuted as the Bookscan Number Two new sf book — everybody give yourselves a hand!  Good work.

We are officially On Deadline for Ribbon Dance — Steve is reading the first +/- 106,000 words, while I’m finishing up the Thrilling Conclusion.  Just this morning, I made the Command Decision to remove a scene of about 6,000 words.  Said scene has been rewritten three times; it still doesn’t work; and it’s time to stop deluding myself that it actually belongs in this book.

A bit of background on Ribbon Dance — it’s based on an unpublished short story, which, being a short story, had a far simpler trajectory than a novel will inevitably have (short stories are Roman Candles; novels are Chrysanthemums — everybody clear now? Good.).

I rather liked the short story, and wanted to preserve the centerpiece scene, but — the novel wanted to talk about other things, like when does protection become oppression; who gets to decide who is Civilized and who is not; ghost routes; what’s love got to do with it; and so on.

Thus, the hard decision to excise 6,000 words from a book that’s due Realsoonnow.

What will probably happen is that Splinter Universe will  publish the origin story, and the pulled scene, after Ribbon Dance publishes.  So!  Something to look forward to.

For those who may have missed them, below is a list of  interviews in support of Salvage Right (yes, we’re still building the Big List of All Interviews Ever, but compiling it is going to have to wait until after Ribbon Dance leaves Maine for Madame’s desk in the south).

Writers Drinking Coffee (audio)

Annie’s Book Stop of Worcester (video)

Baen Free Radio Hour (video)

Speculative Fiction Showcase (text)

Paul Semel Interviews Lee and Miller (text)

We’ve got a couple more interviews upcoming; I’ll post links when they go live.

In Real Life, we did take a day off last week to visit Stonington, and of course there was the gala celebration of Sprite’s 11th birthday, the week before that. Oh, and I got fitted for a heart monitor — about the size of thumb-drive, with attendant phone — that I’ll be wearing into the middle of August.  Steve’s birthday is coming up at the end of this month, and we hope to steal another day away from the keyboards to have a proper celebration.

Here’s a picture from the Stonington adventure.




5 thoughts on “What on earth is the woman DOING?”

  1. I love hearing about your drive-abouts. That has been both my therapy and creative space for so many years. The fact you share coastal pix is also special. We spent six weeks in 2021 on the Maine coast and I so want to return.

  2. I really enjoy hearing about your writing process, and it makes me happy that scenes you’ve put time and work into eventually do make it into publication. Somehow it feels tidy and frugal.
    Plus, I love the short stories; they do so much to round out the universe and catch us up with minor characters. A couple of my favorites were “From Every Storm A Rainbow,” and the one that follows what happened to Bar Jan after Jethri Gobelyn defeated him, and his mother declared him dead. He had been such a miserable person, making everyone around him miserable, and to watch him and Kana learn a new way of life, and learn to be happy! — was just lovely. Thank you for that.
    I need to read more of your short stories.

  3. Heya! I don’t often respond but it’s important that you know how much joy your work gives others. Telling you this to give context: I just finished a fiction novel by a well-published author and at the end mostly what I could think about was the holes in the writing. I mean, the plot was good, but for instance, the author spent a lot of energy setting up a potentially pivotal character and crisis and then abruptly killed them off. And never addressed it again. Similar content several times in the same book. Seriously, what was their editor doing?

    I’ve said before-your storytelling is consistent, seamless, complete and immensely satisfying while simultaneously leaving me clamoring for more. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  4. Kimberly writes in part: “…immensely satisfying while simultaneously leaving me clamoring for more.” Ditto from me. I just finished 2nd reading of Anne Hillerman’s latest book which I toook up after my 2nd read of Salvage Rights. Wonder how soon I’ll start 3rd readings? But I digress…

    Heart Monitors: mine was a self-contained 9 inch narrow strip of thin flexible plastic encasing a few bits of electronics that was glued to my sternum. Very conveniently unobtrusive UNTIL removal time. The area underneath, while shaved prior to application, experienced modest regrowth. I was expected to remove it myself & send it off to be evaluated. The removal was accompanied by plentiful screams & vulgar disparagement of cardiology in general. I trust you will not have that experience…Best Wishes in that regard.

  5. The entire Liaden Universe oeuvre is keeping me sane while I dig out from under the pile of inadequately labeled moving boxes after I moved to a different state. I’ll probably love my new condo–once it’s really ready to live in! Meanwhile, I’m sailing through my 4th (or maybe it’s 5th?) read through whenever neuropathy forces me to sit down. I say all this to express my thankfulness for these familiar people and their stories. As soon as I began Dragon Tide, it felt as if I’d come home.

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