Today is the official release day of the hardcover and ebook editions of Salvage Right, the newest Liaden Universe® novel, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.

Below, for your reading pleasure, is a letter we wrote to accompany the eARC sent by Baen to industry professionals, which kind of puts Salvage Right into perspective, in our career, and explains why we’re quite so excited about this release.


Dear Readers,

We hope that 2023 has so far treated you well, and that as it continues to unroll, you will have many opportunities to share happiness, and to celebrate.

We’re writing because we have something to celebrate.

In July, Salvage Right, our one hundredth collaboration, also the twenty-fifth novel set in our original Liaden Universe® will be published. This is kind of a big deal for us, given that, after the publication of our third book, in 1989, our editor at the time told us that we had “no career,” going forward.

However, our current publisher, Baen Books, thinks that one hundred collaborations is a reason to celebrate.

When we first started out, intending to write seven novels, we made a solemn and serious agreement: If this thing we’re doing stops being fun, we’ll quit.

Thirty-five years, twenty-nine collaborative novels, and great sweeping swathes of shorter works, clearly, Lee and Miller have been having fun.

A little about Salvage Right – it is a space opera in the Lee-and-Miller style, which is Action! Adventure! Romance! Salvage Right comes complete with malevolent intelligences from a former universe, mad scientists, extended family, AIs, secret organizations bent on taking over everything, snarky dialog, and a morally gray group of unlikely heroes, who have come together to make the universe a better place, though none of them would exactly say that, if you asked them.

Although twenty-four books set in the Liaden Universe® have been published prior to this one, it is not a strict, in-line series that must be read in order. It’s a universe in which a large cast of characters interact as they see fit, and have adventures.

In many ways, Salvage Right is the quintessential Liaden Universe® novel. It was, first, a brainstorm – not the book we had been supposed to be writing at all (we’re writing that one now). Secondly, the characters took over at a very early stage. They were going to Tinsori Light, and it was going to be the party of the decade.

We do know better than to argue with our characters, so we let them have their head, and they did have a most wonderful party, which we were delighted to chronicle.

And here it is, for you. We hope you have as much fun reading it as we did, writing it.

Thank you for reading.

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
The Cat Farm and Confusion Factory
February 2023


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  1. I read it in eARC form, and now I’m going to enjoy a re-read of the final version!

  2. I have been reading the various eARCs, 8 so far. Always wonder how much real difference there is to their respective released publications. I’m currently about 1/3 thru 2nd read of Salvage & thoroughly enjoying it. Indeed all have had at least one re-read, all thoroughly enjoyed. Best wishes for a happy 4th & continuing authoring. Bob

  3. Congratulations Sharon and Steve, on this achievement and the joy you find in crafting. May you meet many, many mor milestones!

  4. Congratulations on this milestone achievement!

    I got my copy earlier from Uncle Hugo; I’ve read it three times and each time find something new..

    Happy 4th of July!

  5. Got the book today read the book today. Thank you, thank you. The book was full of some of my favorite characters and so enjoyed the updates on their lives. I was first introduced to your universe with Fledgling so am always pleased with an appearance by Theo. Thanks again. Congratulations on creating such a wonderful universe and am hoping to read many, many more of your books

  6. Got distracted by 4th of July party preparations and didn’t remember to buy the book (direct from Baen) until this morning. I read the preview on the Baen’s website a couple of days ago, and have started reading from the beginning now that I have my very own copy. So glad to catch up with what’s going on in the Liaden Universe!

  7. Lee and Miller are always on my preorder list. Loved this installment so much I loaned it to a friend who had never read a Liaden novel. Said friend is currently working their way through the entire Universe … backwards. This proves, I suppose, that there’s no right way to read the Liaden books. I must admit I might do the same if I hadn’t discovered Miri and Val Con in the 1990s.

    I do wonder one thing. I bought the hardback and the eBook, but I can’t find an audiobook. Will there be one eventually? Or, should I quit searching the internet once a week to find it?

  8. No audiobook of Salvage Right nor news of one. Eventually. I think the audiobook for Fair Trade was six months or so behind the hardcover.

    I love that your friend is doing Liad backward. That ought to produce some interesting insights.

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