Various and Sundry News of the Day

Yes, yes, it’s been forever since I’ve done anything but tell y’all what I’m reading.

My excuse is that I’ve been working on Ribbon Dance — the sequel to Trader’s Leap, due at Baen in early August, no pub date yet.  There’s not much to tell except that I’m on the downward side of the mountain — +/- 90,000 words to the good, and maybe another 20,000 to get to the end of the story.  I’ve been working down inbetween the sentences for the last few days, building bridges, trimming up scenes, inserting (and deleting),  and going back and forth to make sure that guy actually said that thing, or failed to do so when he had the opportunity, which makes for very boring blogging.

I can tell you that Ribbon Dance is shaping up nicely, though it has a far different vibe from Salvage Right.  As, indeed, it should.  I think you guys will like it.

Speaking of Salvage Right (see what I did there?), the eARC is still available from Baen, right here.  If you click “Sample” on that page, you’ll find links to the first 45 chapters of the novel.  Yeah, they’re short — needs must — but that’s still about 150 pages — a very generous sample.

If you’ve read the eARC, or the sample chapters, and would like to talk about it with other early readers, Steve and I made a spoiler discussion space available here.  Also, if you’ve read the eARC, please consider leaving a review at Goodreads, or on your FB wall, or your blog, or other book-friendly spaces that you may frequent. Advance chatter helps sales.

Sales!  For those who prefer to wait for the official hardcover/ebook publication –your day is fast approaching:  July 4, in fact.  We have no news as yet regarding an audiobook edition.  Recent history suggests that there will be at least a six month gap between hardcover and audiobook releases.  This is, I mention for the folks in the back, out of the control of the authors.

If you’d like a signed copy of Salvage Right, you can preorder one — or more! — from Uncle Hugo’s.  Here’s the link.

We now move to a topic of interest to those who purchase paper editions of Pinbeam Books chapbooks (Pinbeam Books being the Lee-and-Miller indie arm).  Pinbeam Books paper editions are printed on demand by Amazon.  And Amazon will, in a few days, be raising the price it charges us (and all the rest of the folks who do POD publishing through Amazon) for paper.

Steve and I have talked this situation over, and have decided that we will not — that’s NOT — be increasing the cover price of existing Pinbeam Books paper editions.  We may possibly increase the cover price on Pinbeam Books paper editions, going forward.

We now move on to convention appearances.  The next convention Steve and I are planning to attend is Astronomicon, October 27-29, in Rochester, New York.  Here’s the link.

We have a couple of podcast interviews coming up — with Annie’s Bookstop and Culture Wars.  We’ll update you when those go live.  In the meantime, here’s a link to Writers Drinking Coffee, where Steve and I had a grand time talking to Chaz and Karen Brenchley and Jeannie Warner.

. . . and I think that catches us all up for the time being.

Thank you all for your continued patience with the vagaries of the writing life, and for your ongoing support of our work.


One thought on “Various and Sundry News of the Day”

  1. Thanks for the update! Already anticipating Ribbon Dance even as I wait for my signed copy of Salvage Right – my girl took the hint and I got it for Mother’s Day! (Smart child).

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