What on Earth is the Woman Doing?

Well . . . keeping up with the Tyop Hunt, mostly.  It always amazes me, how Steve and I can find eight pages of typos, open the Hunt to eARC readers, and start receiving the pages of typos we didn‘t find.

What’s even more astonishing is that Every. Single. Tyop. Hunter. has found at least one, and often several more, typos that got past everyone else.

So, anyhow — keep ’em coming, folks.  Your help is appreciated, and, obviously, much needed.

Instructions and links: eARC, Tyop Hunting Guidelines, &c at this location.

Aside the Tyop Hunt, I’ve been marveling at the Maine weather, which has gone from summery to snow in four days — the last manifestation being snow on the overnight, with summer promised again tomorrow.

I’ve also been trying to get some work in edgewise on the — yes, yes, As Yet Untitled — WIP.  I did manage to read the 300 pages that currently exist in Shared Reality — that’s about 62,000 words, or half a book (for reference, Salvage Right is just a hair over 132,000 words).

The week upcoming promises many excitements, including Trooper’s annual visit to his vet — who adores him, and yet he remains aloof — and culminating in a visit to the oncologist stupidly early on Friday.  That may warrant a Writer’s Day Off.  I mean, since we’ll be out, and all…

So!  That’s what I’ve been doing.  Thanks for asking.


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