Thursday catching up

So, I’ve been writing.  Tinsori Light:  The Novel (real title TBD) stands at about 32,000 words.  I’m having fun, which historically has meant that y’all will have fun, eventually.

I’ve been in the habit of thinking that the book is Just Roaring Along, but, looking back, I see I started Serious Writing on November 20, 53 days ago, which gives me a nice, steady 600-ish words a day, on average.  I think part of the Roaring Along feeling is that I’ve been doing a lot of sitting with my notebook and pen, plotting, and sketching in scenes.  A couple days back saw the arrival of The Ending (of this novel, to be clear), which is actually helpful (as it so often is not), and pretty closely jibes with the plotting I’ve been doing, so that’s another thrill.

I foresee a slowdown in work, sadly, as the tax documents are beginning to arrive, and I’ll have to start pulling things together for the accountant.  Also, we should be seeing the copy edits of Fair Trade pretty soon.  I’m feeling pretty grumpy about the upcoming need to spend time away from the WIP, but one does what one must.

What else?  It’s been cold and grey and precipitating, but, yanno — January in Maine.  We have winter here.

And that?  Gets us caught up.

Everybody stay safe.

Oh, hey!  Here’s a snippet:

“Got a letter from Theo.”
“So soon? I hadn’t considered that even Theo could fall into a scrape as quickly as this.”
“You need to accept the fact that Theo’s natural state is ‘in trouble,'” Miri told him. “Be a lot easier on your nerves.”


2 thoughts on “Thursday catching up”

  1. “…should be seeing the copy edits of Fair Trade pretty soon” – comon eARC [smile – again] Reading Bread Alone again – love it. I want to jump into the story & smack around those in the mob attacking the Bakery. Better yet, I’d like to taste the delights available at École de Cuisine & the Bakery. Oh well…

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