So, this weekend, we took off to celebrate my birthday — belatedly. We had planned this trip since we realized that Trader’s Leap wouldn’t be finished by my Actual Birthday, so on Friday, September 20, we took off for Lubec, Maine on the Bay of Fundy.
If you are unfamiliar Lubec, it is the easternmost town in the contiguous United States, situated across Lubec Narrows from Campobello Island, New Brunswick Canada. Steve secured a third floor corner room in Cohill’s Inn, with windows looking over the Narrows, toward Mulholland Light on the Island, and more! windows! looking up the Bay toward Eastport.
In addition to being in just an awesome place, geographically, we were in Lighthouse Country. Friday, after we checked into our room, we headed to West Quoddy Head Lighthouse, got our Lighthouse Passports stamped and took a cool zillion pictures. Here’s some:
We then retired to our room, but were drawn outside again to watch the tide (the Bay of Fundy is famous for its rapid, dangerous tides) come in and to take another cool zillion pictures, this time of cormorants and seals.
Here’s a couple seals:
Next day, we crossed the International Bridge to Campobello Island, and drove out to visit Harbour Head Light Station at the verymost other end of Compobello Island, and Mullholland Point Light, in Welshpool, New Brunswick, which was coincidentally situated directly across Lubec Narrows from our room.
Here’s Head Harbour Light Station:
And here’s Mulholland Point Light:
Here’s a picture of The Spark Plug, in Lubec Narrows. You can’t visit The Spark Plug, but the docent at West Quoddy Light had a stamp, so we got to claim it.
Oh, and here’s a picture of Cohill’s Inn, our Lubec Headquarters, from Mulholland Point Light, across the Narrows in Canada. Ours was the room on the third floor right, last window, and then two windows around the corner.
Today, we said a reluctant farewell to Lubec, and Proceeded homeward in a leisurely fashion, taking side trips to Cutler, to view the really pretty little New England Harbor, and the super sekrit submarine base. We have no pictures of Cutler, for obvious reasons.
Our second side trip was to Roque Bluffs State Park. Here’s a picture of the sign, and the Art:
We’re home now, obviously, and reluctantly. It was 68F/20C this morning when we left Lubec (stopping for breakfast at the Shore Thing Diner). When we arrived home in the metropolis of Waterville, it was 82F/28C. If I could move Lubec Narrows to our back yard. . .
So! Tomorrow, it’s back to work, but, boy, didn’t we have a great weekend!
Sounds wonderful. I’m envious!! I loved your pictures, too.
Sounds like you had a great time! Thanks for photos. Can’t decide whether the little pang of longing is nostalgia or just plain jealousy…maybe both?
I didn’t realize you could view the Bay of Fundy tides from the US. When we lived in Boston, I always wanted to plan a trip up into Canada for this, but press of work prevented. But I bet I could have squeezed out time for Maine over a weekend.
We had also thought about going to Canada to see the tide change in the Bay of Fundy, and may still do that someday. I’m a sucker for lighthouses, and have the tee shirts from Michigan and Maryland to prove it. We missed the Maine lighthouses when we went to Bar Harbor for our 20th wedding anniversary in 2017. Lubec looks and sounds like a place I’d enjoy seeing.