News you Need

So, I’ve been trying to get to a detailed post about the Bingham Carousel Circuit, but in truth, it may not happen.  We’re having a sudden and very intense bout of Life here, which I guess means we timed our vacation correctly, because now have the resources necessary to get through this bit.

In and around Life, however, there are things that you — yes, you! — need to know, which are (read carefully):

ONE:  Today! August 29 2017 is Alliance of Equals‘ mass market paperback book day!  Go, Alliance of Equals!

TWO:  The number of Pinbeam Books (that would be Steve and me, cleverly disguised as our own publisher) chapbooks which have been converted to paper now numbers six (and six shall be the number).  To wit:
Liaden Universe® titlesChange Management, Due Diligence, Sleeping with the Enemy
Sharon Lee titles:  Barnburner, Gunshy, Spell Bound

THREE:  Our mole deep inside Baen Books has informed us that the eARC for Neogenesis, scheduled to be published in hardcover January 2, 2018, will be released in September (good ghod, that’s, like, Friday!).  We do not have a release date, but you might do very well to Watch the Skies, and while you’re doing that, spreading the word to your friends, your co-workers, your best enemies, your mom, and, well — everybody.

So!  That’s what I’ve got.  I will, I suspect, Be Scarce for the next while.  I’m fine; just coping.

Be excellent to each other.

3 thoughts on “News you Need”

  1. Looking forward to Neogenesis. Will keep an eye on Baen and let the entire world know when it’s out.

  2. Just checked Baen new eARC list…not today. Been reading Hugh Howey’s Molly Fyde series – guess I better get with it so’s I can consume Neo’ when it’s out. & what does “bait’d breath” mean, anyways…oh, wait, I found “bated breath” here:

    NOW I understand. The things ya learn when ya type into blogs…:-)

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