Even more Liaden eBooks!

Those who have been following along at home will recall that, for a very long time, the only way to get the first 9 (excluding Agent of Change, which has been, and is, available as a free ebook from Baen Free Library and from the Kindle Store) Liaden novels in ebook form was by buying the Baen omnibus editions. Which was great, because, hey, you had All The Stories — but it did mean that you had to remember which book was in which omnibus, if you wanted to read one particular novel, or, if you, as many do, have a Preferred Reading Order, that you had to jump around from omnibus to omnibus.


Baen has now released the first 10 Liaden Universe® novels — Agent of Change to Crystal Dragonas single ebooks, (previously only available from Baen ebooks) to Amazon, to BN, to iBooks — oh, heck — to your favorite online bookstore!

In other news, it’s a gorgeous, breezy and ultra-green day outside my window, which I have open, so that I can hear the rustle of leaves, and benefit from the occasional waft of lilac-scent, while I finish up here on Langlastport.

Everybody have a great day!

Scrabble, having a great weekend.
Scrabble, having a great weekend.

5 thoughts on “Even more Liaden eBooks!”

  1. This is not relevant, but I’m here and I had a thought. (Don’t Panic!) How often are you greeted at cons and such with bows? and Do they have any resemblance to those you envisioned while writing?

  2. I’m fond of the omnibus editions–they’re excellent value–but it’s exciting to see these beloved books promoted in ANY format!

    And thank you for Dragon in Exile. You gave us the one thing I absolutely, desperately wanted, and I’m thrilled and grateful (though now it will be a long wait to find out What Happens Next…!)

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