In which the new car achieves a name

Let it be known that the New Blue Car shall hereafter be known as “Kineo,” in honor of the mountain* we did not visit yesterday, but could have, had we been willing to drive another two hours northeast of Greenville on roads which are, um, occasionally unkempt to make our bows, thereby making a pleasant four-hour round trip into a dicey six hours of driving.

Also, Steve reminds me that I was remiss in my reporting of yesterday’s outing. In fact, there was a moose in the Greenville town salt bank, as there has been every. single. time. we’ve gone to Greenville.  Yesterday, there was just one.  The last time, there were three — mom and two kids.

On the way home, a vulture — and now I wonder if Mainers call them “vultures” or something else, the subject never having come up before — in any case, a vulture, I say, flew straight down the road at us, swerving to its right at the last moment, to settle into what few branches remained in a very messy wood yard, where three other vultures were already ensconced.  No, we did not stop the car to see what was so fascinating.

In other news. . .well, there isn’t any other news, really. Today is a less-windy repeat of yesterday, pleasantly warm, with alternating sun and clouds. Tomorrow and Sunday, the weatherbeans say, it’s going to rain like a sonofagun, to which I selfishly say, “Good,” because I have a lot of work to do.

What’re y’all doing this weekend?


*Yes, yes; I hear you laughing over there in Montana, and Colorado, and Oregon, and France, and Switzerland, and all those other places with real mountains.  For the purposes of the East Coast of the United States, Mount Kineo passes for a mountain.  Not only that, it’s the only mountain in the world made entirely of arrowheads.  Also known as hornstone.  Here, have a wikipedia article.

4 thoughts on “In which the new car achieves a name”

  1. Cool name.
    I find the idea of making your bow to a mountain charming.
    Hopefully it won’t find the necessity to return the gesture.

  2. I am sending you my 3+ inches if rain that I got overnight. A real gulley washer. This weekend Sandy and I are taking our girl scouts camping!

  3. well, this evening there was fire in the pit of the back yard. Tomorrow I will visit the K-Valley District Boy Scout Camporee at Camp Bomazeen,in Belgrade, Maine; which will include Cub Scouts (boys from 7 to 10), Boy Scouts (boys from 11 to 18), and Venture Crews (Co-eds from 13-21).
    Sunday, there will be the drive back to NY, in order to attend a Book Launch party for a friend and former co-worker on Monday.
    I’ll be back to Maine for the holiday weekend though….the life of a ping pong ball in with a car. LOL

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