So, the Win7 machine is up and running. I still haven’t solved the HDMI conundrum; but I have all of my files, and, after a little bit of noodling ’round the web, all of my programs, including my Firefox bookmarks. Ten years’ of old wires have been (by Steve’s good offices) cleaned out from beneath my desk and the old Oki printer has been cleared off the top of my desk, thereby opening Vistas Untold.
So, yanno; It’s All Good.
Advertent readers will have noticed that the new computer’s name is Illisidi; in part due to the fact that she is smaller, lighter, and much more powerful than Jack the Giant Killer. And if you have No Clue who Illisidi, the Aiji-Dowager is, start here and go through to here. You can thank me later.
Next up, is the re-ordering of my office, which had to be Completely Torn Apart in order to swap out the computers, and do all the rest of the things that needed doing. After that, it’s date night, and a fitting end of a week that was, um, more vigorous than predicted.
Hope everybody is having a lovely Saturday.
BEST wishes on a smooth recovery from your loss.
I have been doing my share of W7 migrations and have been getting more insistent on ungently directing a new rule:
NEVER avoidably have the OS and User Data on the same physical drive.
Folks will pick my logic apart on several levels though the first time it saves someone from losing Really Important Work, my efforts are repaid. I am trying to migrate wifey to Puppy Linux and banish M$ from my homelife if at all possible. And yes- her soon to be expired XP machine has two drives:>
The gray imminence in the chances of Atevi politics? Boy are you in for some interesting side trips and adventures!
Sharon, I had no idea where Illisidi originated. So, I followed your links and reserved from the library. I’m now on book two and am thanking you! Although I love re-reading your books, it’s wonderful to have something “new” to enjoy!
Ah, excellent! You have much good reading ahead of you — enjoy!