Today, we migrate

Today, I’m shifting virtual house from Jack the Giant Killer, to the newly arrived Windows7 machine, at present nameless.  This means that I will not much be around the internets today.

Everybody wish me luck for a smooth and easy migration.

I’m going in.

4 thoughts on “Today, we migrate”

  1. Best luck. May it go smoothly and you never have the desire to pick that thing up and smash it through the window.

    Please give the furry ones in the house my best. Especially Scrabble. Whisper to her that she’s my favorite tortie, if that wouldn’t be presumptuous.

  2. May the RAM rise up to meet you.
    May your ISP be always at your back.
    May the monitor shine warm upon your face,
    and the files fall soft upon your new hard drive.
    And until we meet again,
    May Win7 hold your manuscripts safely within its grasp.

    *runs off giggling*

  3. I hope your migration will be less stressful than Cantra’s was. Betcha you find the new ‘puter a name during the migration…and hopefully it will be NSFW!
    Good luck and no problems!

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