Tell us your first contact story

Nearly 100 intrepid explorers of time and space have already told us how and when they first contacted the Liaden Universe®.  It makes for fascinating reading, so go over here and read!  And while you’re there?  Why not add your own story, for a chance to read one of five! free! audiobook editions of the latest Liaden novel, Trade Secret, courtesy of Audible.

Entries are open until midnight Eastern Time, Friday, December 6, 2013 (that’s this Friday!), so put on your raconteur hat and tell us a story!


One thought on “Tell us your first contact story”

  1. I purchase adult science fiction & fantasy for the public library where I work. We had some of your work, published by Meisha Merlin, but the print was too small for my aging eyes, and the covers weren’t inspiring to me, so I hadn’t tackled them.
    Then we got Fledgling as a print prepub from Baen! Bigger print! Cheerful cover! Loved it! I’ve bought all your Baen books for the library, and e-book copies for myself to read (and re-read, and re-read)in larger print on my phone. Thank you! I don’t listen to audiobooks so you don’t need to enter me into the drawing.

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