Yanno how you always wonder: Is that light ahead of you in the tunnel the far end, or an oncoming train? Steve and I are going to find out!
January 20-22, 2012, ChattaCon 37, Chattanooga, Tennessee: Writer Guests of Honor: Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. ChattaCon takes place at the historic Chattanooga Choo Choo hotel, a former train station. This is one of our increasingly less-rare trips South, so mark you calendars!
More details as we have them.
Edited to add: The Compleat Guest List for ChattaCon 37:
Steve Miller and Sharon Lee – Writer Guests
Laura Ann Gilman – Writer Guest
John Picacio Artist GoH
Rachel Caine – Special Guest
Mark Van Name – Toastmaster
* * *
Lee and Miller will also be attending RenoVation, the 69th World Science Fiction Convention in Reno, Nevada, August 17-21, 2011. Join us to celebrate the release of Ghost Ship!