Felicitations of the day

Today is Theo Waitley’s birthday.  That’s right, on this date in 2007, the first chapter of Fledgling was posted on the interwebs.  I trust everyone has marked their calendars and have suitable celebrations planned.

Since that first, auspicious appearance, Theo has broadened her horizons considerably.  Not only has she pursued her dream of  becoming a courier pilot, but she has been published in ebook, hardback, and paperback by Baen, and hit various bestseller lists, including the Wall Street Journal Bestselling Science Fiction list.

As this is Theo’s fifth birthday, I’d say a little gentle embarrassment is in order.  How about this?  Let’s share our favorite memories of her in comments.

NOTE:  Those who have not read the books (Fledgling, and Saltation, that would be), please be aware that there may well be spoilers in comments, and click at your own risk.

So, everybody pull up a chair — no, wait!  I’m forgetting something.  Before we settle in, punch and cake in hand, to reminisce, let’s gather in a circle, join hands, and say the magic words:

Happy birthday, Theo!

One thought on “Felicitations of the day”

  1. Congrats 🙂
    I’ve only read Fledgling so far, and my favorite bit is when Theo first goes to dance class, and then later when she plays on the dance machine against fellow pilots!

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