So, they tell me that spring is coming. Or at least Daylight Savings Time.
What say we get the website loosened up and moving again?
You — yes, you! — may Ask Me A Question in comments. All questions will be kept Sekrit, and on Wednesday, March 13 — Anything Can Happen Day Times Two! — I’ll start answering questions here in the blog, one at a time, questions chosen at my discretion.
Sound like fun?
Let’s go.
hopefully these won’t fall under the spoiler alert clauses..
How did the Clutch get to the new universe ? Are there any major species native to the new universe ? How did Lute/MoonHawk get there ?
Will Win-Ton ever have the benefit of a Clutch healing to restore him to full pilot-ness ?
Will anything happen on the plot line with the planet Melchiza ? It seems Theo went there and then we hear nothing major about their ambition to expand.
Are you filling in the gaps on a larger set of story arcs that you have already mapped or are you discovering the story as you write ?
What do you believe the most fun part the Liaden Universe to read ? (based on your own reading bias, but also your interaction with fans and reviewers)
Will you ever consider doing a pass-the-hat writing like you did for Fledgling ? I realize circumstances are different and hopefully better. It was fun to be able to comment (with others!) as the story unfolds.
Will the backstory/creation story of the Uncle be told at some time ?
Are there any Moties running around this universe or did the three handed reference just happen to show up for two handed species ?
Will their be another book with Jethri? I have just reread (for the xxxx time) Balance of Trade and Trade Secret and am missing him already. Would like to hear more from the healer and dramliza twins. Merci beaucoup.
I found myself wondering today about Liadens and music. We know that they appreciate a good omnichora player, but what other instruments do they like? And does their collection of forbiddens include any instruments? (e.g. In a society that prefers people not to draw attention to their faces, is there a place for instruments placed in or on the face, such as saxophones and trumpets?)
Thank you!