Quiet anniversary* at home. We of course exchanged gifts on Friday.
Steve has put himself in line for making supper: ham, mashed potatoes, and green beans, I believe.
I’ve started the laundry, and have done a minor bit of packing. What I really need to do is take a “break” and clear my desk, which has acquired mounds of Stuff that can’t be packed just yet. I think I’ll make a CURRENT box and put it beside the desk, so I can get at the Stuff, but it can’t get at me, if you know what I mean…
The cats Are Not Best Pleased with the various piles of boxes around the house. They’re taking it in shifts to sit on us and persuade us to less disruptive behavior, and napping off the stress.
I believe I’ll put on Pandora the next time I’m out in the living room; some nice, mellow acoustic guitar won’t be out of order.
Hope everyone is having an enjoyable weekend.
*For those just joining us, this is the fortieth anniversary of combining the Lee household and the Miller household, the choice of date being the day the lease ran out on Steve’s apartment.
Once again, Congratulations! Thank you for your congratulations to me the other day for this my 41st anniversary. Everyone have a fabulous day!
Happy Anniversary! I hope you have many years of joy together ahead of you. Continuing to send you good energy for your move.
Congratulations on your 40th anniversary!!!
Happy anniversary! Hope for very many more!