No mail today…

Where I live, today is Columbus Day (observed).  Which means there’s no mail delivery.  Two Sundays in one week is kinda harsh. . .

Today’s big news!

The second of three Pinbeam Book bundles is now available for purchase at Baen ebooks.  The titles included in the October Bundle are:  Endeavors of Will, Sharon Lee; Gunshy (the sequel to Barnburner), Sharon Lee; The Naming of Kinzel, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller; The Cat’s Job, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller; The Day They Brought the Bears to Belfast, Sharon Lee.

Here’s your link

. . .you may also buy each title separately from that link.

In other news, I seem to have caught Steve’s cold, so no gym for me today.  Better luck tomorrow.

Today will be a writing day, commencing, as soon as I post this blog entry, with a session of sitting-on-the-couch-staring-at-nothing.  I’m always amazed when people treat the “creative process” like some kind of cognitive mystery.  All you have to do is stare at nothing, hard, until the bead of blood form on your forehead, and the backbrain has pity and forks over.

See?  Easy.

So!  Things are starting to heat up, in A Night in the Lonesome OctoberSomebody’s shown Bad Form, and somebody else is offended.  The Things are getting restive, and the lines are confused.  Not only that, but there’s a new fellow in the neighborhood, who is strangely determined to befriend Jack and Snuff; and the Great Detective is afoot.

# # #

“Yes, I am familiar with your candor, and the limits placed upon it. I will ask carefully, Translator. I would not unwittingly cause you pain.”


One thought on “No mail today…”

  1. Hey! That cold, or its unlucky cousin, has showed up here at the edge of the Everglades too. Here’s hoping you feel better soon. And that we both get our words out today.

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