I’m not sure what’s going on, but the Smashwords Content Team has apparently taken sudden exception to “Liaden Universe(R)” and are asking me to remove the (R) from the product description. I have previously modified ®, which is the grown-up typographical form, to (R) at Smashwords in order to comply with a previous request No, I’m wrong — It was because ® turned into so much gibberish when the product page was uploaded.
Steve and I own the registered trademark “Liaden Universe®”. It must always, by law, appear just that way, the two words and the ®. If I cannot use ® or (R) when referring to the proper series name, then…let’s just say bad legal things would happen.
I have written my second letter to the Smashwords Content Team, asking WTF? (since, yanno, the books have been up there since late May/early June), and also Why?
I don’t know how this is going to play out. If we can’t reach an agreement — which is to say, the Content Team remains adamant and I remain constrained by law — then all Pinbeam Books will have to come off of Smashwords.
Which is a long way to say to those of you who prefer to shop at Smashwords, and who have perhaps put off buying Liaden Universe® material there — you might want to buy now.
Thanks for listening, and fingers crossed for a mutually agreeable resolution.
I believe you can write it out as a legal replacement for the R-in-a-circle, e.g. “Registered, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office”, or “Reg U.S. Pat & TM Off.”
So if they really can’t deal with the alt-symbols, you have an alternative to pulling the books.