Today! Submissions open for the 2012 Jim Baen Memorial Writing Contest. First prize includes professional publication on the Baen website, for which the author will be paid pro rates. Judges are: Baen editors Hank Davis and Jim Minz, and authors Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Full details here.
Smashwords Update: I got an answer from a member of the Content Team who cared enough to unzip the canned answer, whereby I can sorta see where things got into a snarl. Smashwords TOS says that ®/(R) may be used only to describe books that will be sold in the US; for books that will be sold outside of the US, you have to write out a sentence (which is cool, though the product description page limits the number of characters you can use). I remember puzzling over this at the Time of Upload, and deciding that there was no way I could know whom from where would be downloading what. I mean, they’re ebooks, right? I looked around for a “global distribution” upload, didn’t find one and went with what I knew.
Turns out Smashwords keeps One File to Rule them All, and Global trumps US.
So, working on it.
But not today.
Today, I’m writing.
Progress on Necessity’s Child
58,278 of 100,000 OR 58% complete
“Indeed, we have a veritable tapestry of willful children laid before us.”
You could try just simply;
US copyright laws apply.
Yes, but this is a trademark we’re talking about so…US copyright laws have nothing to do with the matter.