. . . and wine for the woman who made the rain come

What Went Before: 901 new words today, and some rewriting of old words. Active voice, Sharon. Really; it make All the Difference. The total WIP now weighs in at +/-9,300 words, which is … OK.

Saturday. Sunny and already busy.

I Shout! Out! to the kind person who sent me a Penzey’s gift card. I had just been missing a couple things, and debating whether Penzey’s was a necessity or a luxury. Thank you, Mystery Gift Giver. Much appreciated.

I did sleep in a little — let’s hear it for 7:30! — and had a leisurely breakfast of blueberry muffin and brie. Second cup of tea is to hand, and I’m pretty sure there will be a third cup in my future. Lunch will be salad, because the tomato got ahead of me again.

I have a few chores to do, and some paperwork to straighten up. Honestly, where does All! The! Paper! come from? Mostly, though, I’ll be writing.

The sunroom office is full of — sun! And cats are napping everywhere.

I finished reading A Gentleman of Unreliable Honor, and am now giving all of my attention to The Sign of the Dragon.

What’re you reading today?

Today’s title brought to you by Cat Stevens, “Tea for the Tillerman,” because, yeah, I loved that album, back in the day.  Sold it when we sold all our vinyl to make the rent or some such silliness.  Still.  Great album.

3 thoughts on “. . . and wine for the woman who made the rain come”

  1. My reading is essentially just marking time. I finished all the Lord Julian books, and have dipped into several authors offered by KindleUnlimited. I rejected many of them almost immediately, either because of the author “voice” or because something about the main character put me off. I am waiting for my next pre-ordered book to be available, but that’s not for several weeks.

  2. Ahhh, for readings, I am alternating between: The Woman in the Moonlight by Patricia Morrisroe, The Untold Story by Genevieve Cogman, and The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. Plus whatever reading is required for my graduate classes. Truthfully, not much of any fun reading is getting done (a couple of pages here and there) as the 7 week term is finishing up and I have papers, projects, and exams–OH MY!

  3. I am reading: your past posts in reverse order! Because something’s wrong with my rss I think, but who knows. Pray forgive my tardiness.
    Books though: I’m re-reading the Ink & Sigil books. I like them far better than the series from which they spun off. Fountain pens, inks, magic, and problem-solving. Took me five months to realize the reason the cover art seemed familiar is she’s also the artist for Diamine, the uk ink company.

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