FAIR TRADE eARC available for download!

All righty, then!
The eARC of Fair Trade can now be purchased at this link.
IF you purchase the eARC and would like to participate in the Tyop Hunt (NOTE: You are never required to buy the eARC of our work, nor are you required to participate in a Tyop Hunt. Both of these actions are voluntary) — please send errors to me at rolanniATgmailDOTcom BEFORE February 2. Error reports should have include a search string that I can follow (NO page numbers will not do; we’re working from a paper PDF) AND ALSO the name you wish to be thanked under in the final edition of the book.
You do not to write to me beforehand to tell me that you are a joining the hunt.
Now, I’m going to go hunt some tyops, myself.

3 thoughts on “FAIR TRADE eARC available for download!”

  1. I always miss when these drop, even though I stop in to Baen, on a regular basis, to look. Thanks for the heads up.

    Nice David Weber quote on the cover, btw.

  2. Same as jwbnyc – further investigation on baen.com home page shows a list of eARCs but no Fair Trade. Hover over “Buy Ebooks” & click “eARCs” in the drop-down menu & there IS Fair Trade. Bought it, so I can now eliminate typing “comon eARC” until Tonsorial Light goes to publisher! Muchas Gracias SLSM!

  3. So BEFORE February 2 means by midnight on February 1? (*puff-puff, pant-pant* Workin’ on it!)

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