What went before: I did finish “Core Values” last night — go, me!
I have a bunch of these little so-called Spot thermometers from ThermoWorks, and I put them in various places, trying to find the warmest place to overnight the poolish. It turns out that the dining room microwave is by far the warmest spot.
Sunday. Still dim, but I can see an orange crack in the sky behind the trees.
Got up early to check the poolish, which — Against All Odds — not only survived the night, but was bubbly and stinky, and Just What the Baker Wanted.
Dough is in for the first rise. I’m drinking my first cup of tea and should probably turn my thoughts toward breakfast.
For those following along at home, it turns out that the Heritage Microwave in the dining room is the warmest spot in the kitchen-and-kitchen-adjacent rooms, by a good 2 degrees, so that’s where the poolish overnighted, to what success we have seen.
Aside the baking of bread, today is Tax Paperwork Review, and filing, because I let it stack up again, banking, and other mundane details — and I’ve got to finally deal with the whole stevemillerwrites thing, which I’m still inclined to let go.
I see that we’re starting to play Twenty Questions regarding the new director. I’m not just being playful; I don’t want to jinx anything. Believe me, I’m just as excited as you are. We can all practice Being Patient together.
So, that’s what’s exciting at the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory, this early Sunday morning.
Who else is having an exciting morning?
I like your level of excitement, because mine is still at the level of “so, seriously, I have to convince my system to start making something again?” which is necessary for a good life. (This is why I’m not talking about it much, as it is by turns disconcerting and miraculous, and once you’ve run through that cycle a couple of times you start feeling like one of your own fantasy stories and not real life at all.) OTOH I’ve had this succeed a couple of times, so perhaps the only way to get researchers to listen is to put it in an SF story.
The current uncertainty about traveling with a mask or respirator means I have not made firm plans to retrieve my life from another state. But I continue to think that returning there permanently might not be the best choice. So–either storage here, or Finding A New Place.
On a third hand (I need Thing working here) a story unfolded in my mind like a flirtatious flower, suggesting that perhaps the opening, and the kernal, were not at all what I was worried about, but instead, consider THIS. My muse continues to insist on my recovery, and said no, don’t write that down, I want to tighten it. Sigh. I’ve explained first drafts to her, but she doesn’t trust me not to show it to someone until the first draft is done. (I only did that once. She still doesn’t want to finish that story.)
I need to hire a cat or two. It’s been too long. But this house has very odd patterns for heating, and I also am quite aware of the intrusion into this state of avian threats. So I am not feeding the songbirds, and I’m thinking cats returning from Elsewhere need a better situation for their return.
I’ve heard of several words for that miraculous item that creates sourdough and so many other delights, but I hadn’t come across poolish, so I thank you for a new word to start the day. Mine would be in the oven after it cooled down. Not sure the microwave would be warm enough. 🙂
Weather is warmer than it’s been by a good twenty degrees, which is still below freezing. Evercloud, the state of winter life close to large bodies of water, will be at least the morning schedule. I hope for some sun this afternoon, and grocery delivery soon.
Don’t even want to think about the taxes yet, but do need to download a few things. In all this shifting paperwork, I wish you Story and Bread. They keep us all going. (Even some sunshine.)
I’ve never heard (or read) the term ‘poolish’ before! Sourdough starter is the only phrase I’ve ever seen.
I can only repeat what I’ve been told. “Poolish” is the word my instructors at KAF used, and “poolish” is what it says in the recipe I brought home.
poolish (noun) A mixture of flour and water with a little yeast; used to make some forms of dough.