The Writing Life Saturday Edition

So, today so far I’ve gone through one Banker’s box full of “our papers.”  These particular papers are notes, chapters, and character sketches intended to be a Liaden Universe® novel, working title Fifth of Five.

Alas Fifth of Five died messily, and we had to scrap it.  All, however, was not lost, because from the ashes of Fifth of Five arose both Accepting the Lance and Trader’s Leap.

Oh, hey, I think I see what our problem was.

Anyhow, once I get it into a proper traveling box, those papers will be traveling to the Lee-and-Miller Archive at Northern Illinois University.

I have other boxes to go through, and some file drawers.  In fact, the impetus for this project was the fact that all the drawers are full and no, I am not, at this time in my life, buying more file cabinets.

Going through old manuscripts is . . . unexpectedly soothing.  So, a soothing Saturday on my end of things, with a side of laundry, and printing some things.

Steve has been cooking up a storm — poaching chicken and browning ground beef — we’ll have plenty of “leftovers” to provide the basis of supper next week.

The cats have been variously supervising my progress through the Banker’s box, and Steve’s cooking endeavors.  Right now, Sprite is in my co-pilot’s chair, Trooper, my most enthusiastic overseer, is back in his box on my desk, Belle is in Steve’s office, and Firefly — could be anywhere, honestly.

Fans of Firefly will like to know that she’s starting to make real progress on this come-to-the-lap thing.  She even visited me this morning at breakfast.  Steve quick-wittedly snapped a shot, so I even have photographic evidence, to wit!

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