Liaden Universe® InfoDump Number 128
News from Sharon Lee and Steve Miller’s Liaden Universe® and beyond!
November 9 2021
1 BREAD ALONE: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 34 will be published on November 25, 2021. BREAD ALONE collects all of the so-called “bakery” stories into one volume. The stories included are: “Degrees of Separation,” “Fortune’s Favors,” “Block Party,” and “Our Lady of Benevolence.” The first three stories are reprints – that means they have been published previously – “Our Lady . . . ” is original to this chapbook. At the time this InfoDump was put to bed, preorders were available from Amazon. The other vendors will eventually have the book in stock, but for right now, you may PREorder from Amazon ONLY. Here’s your link.
2 The Baen reissue of LOCAL CUSTOM will go on sale as an ebook and mass market paperback on November 30, 2021. You may read sample chapters here. Art by Sam R. Kennedy
3 A LIADEN UNIVERSE® CONSTELLATION, VOLUME 5 is now available from as an eARC. You can either purchase the eARC or read a sample (or, yanno, do both) at this link.
3a You will be able to buy the ebook/paper edition on February 1, 2022 from all of the Usual Suspects. Cover art by Sam R. Kennedy
4 Liaden Universe® novel FAIR TRADE, the third featuring Jethri Gobelyn, a Terran apprenticed to a Liaden master trader, will be published by Baen on May 3, 2022. Cover art by David B. Mattingly. The hardcover may be preordered at your favorite bookstore; the ebook may not. There will be an ebook, but because of Baen’s tradition of providing an eARC before actual publication, the ebook cannot be preordered (we are repeating what we’re told here – further questions may be addressed to Baen at the email address on the site). We do not yet have a date for the appearance of the eARC nor any news on an audiobook – watch the skies.
5 Liaden Universe® short story “Gadreel’s Folly” will be included in the anthology, GIRLS IN TANK TOPS, edited by Jason Cordova. Projected publication date is late 2022, from Baen. Contributors include Lee and Miller, Esther Friesner, David Drake, Kevin Ikenberry, Robert E. Hampson, Joelle Presby, Marisa Wolf, Lydia Sherrer, G. Scott Huggins, and a few others. Editor Jason Cordova says: “It’s a great mixture of humor and action, with a few turning a little dark. The authors have turned in everything from SF to alternate history to fantasy. It’s a great blend of genres with one unifying theme: a girl and her tank.”
6 For those who may have missed it, the mass market edition of TRADER’S LEAP, the 23rd novel set in the Liaden Universe® is now available from your favorite bookstore. Cover art by David B. Mattingly.
Steve and Sharon will not – that’s NOT – be attending DisCon III.
Lee and Miller Patreon Support Page
Pinbeam Books: an online catalog, with vendor links, to all Lee-and-Miller, Miller, and Lee self-published works
Splinter Universe: features outtakes, splinters, oddities from the Lee&Miller writing career, currently changes irregularly.
Welcome to Liad: The official homepage for Liaden Universe® news
Sharon Lee’s Blog
Steve Miller’s blog, Journeyman
Steve Miller:
Sharon Lee:
Clan Korval:
Friends of Liad:
Flaran cha’menthi:
Steve: @bechimo
Sharon: @ClanKorval
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hope to see you both at Chicon
*fingers crossed*
Hi Sharon, I got to this page from Facebook. I want to be on your e-mail list but “go here” said I am forbidden. Below is my e-mail for whatever you send out.
Yeah, the mailing program is kinda nuts right now — it kicked the emailed letter back to me. Waiting for the Admin…
I ordered the ebook version yesterday when it came up on Amazon but I am also hoping to have a paper version available too. Will there be a print-on-demand version available as well?
Anne in Virginia
Hi Sharon,
I hope you, Steve and all those you hold dear are well and safe. Is there any chance Bread Alone will be in print as well as ebook?
I’ve reread the last 3 books – again. I hope it is not me getting senile. I keep finding new things to think about. Following the spoiler thread last time made read these books again (and think about the Crystal books) brought a lot more to my reading.