A personal note

My last five books read are:
Subtle Blood, KJ Charles
Fugitive Telemetry, Martha Wells
The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows, Olivia Waite
The Hellion’s Waltz, Olivia Waite
Logan’s Run, William F. Nolan & George Clayton Johnson

…I re-read Logan’s Run to say good-bye to Mr. Nolan, who left us last week, along with too many others.

I first read Logan’s Run in 1967. I was 15 and it was possibly the Most Amazing Thing I’d read, to that date. I re-read it many times since, but it’s probably been twenty years since the last re-read. The story is pretty basic, which I knew even at 15, and doesn’t bear close scrutiny. But the world building, and the narrative — I had never read anything so spare — and the sheer drive of the thing was…wow.

The umpty-mumble re-read wasn’t quite so wow, but I’m old and grumpy, and full-grown writers read differently than writers-in-the-making.

Still — thank you, Mr. Nolan.

Hail and farewell.

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