Cover Reveal and Belle’s Birthday

All righty, then!

As previously reported, work is going forth on Change State:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 32.  As of Right Now, the compiled book is out to volunteer proofreaders.  We hope to have the book up for preorder by the end of next week, with a release date of March 15.

In the meantime, we have a cover!

Also of note:  Today is the natal day of Kelimcoons Belle of the Ball, aka “Belle,” aka “Mom.”  She is eleven years old.  The cats celebrated on the overnight in the Traditional Style, with competitive door-banging, hall races, and a yodeling contest.

Here’s a picture of Belle, napping the nap of the Thoroughly Feted.

. . .and hoping you’re the same.

3 thoughts on “Cover Reveal and Belle’s Birthday”

  1. Finger poised over pre-order button. Eagerly awaiting No. 32. This is a nice bright spot over a long and dreary winter.

    Anne in Virginia

  2. I was stuck without power from Sunday 2AM to Friday during the Texas blackout, but I found my Kindle had a charge (and those charges last forever) and several Splinter Universe ebooks I bought for a rainy day so those became my darkness-hours reading thanks to the trusty Kindle backlighting. Thanks for in a roundabout way keeping me somewhat sane during bad times.

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