Tyop Hunters Needed: Trader’s Leap


If you have found TYPOS in the eARC of Trader’s Leap, you may send them to me at rolanniATkorvalDOTcom. However, you may only do so until 9 PM EASTERN, Wednesday, September 9.

*WHAT TYPOS ARE: Spelling errors. Wrong words. Missing words. Wrong character/place/ship name and/or misspelled character/place/ship name.

WHAT TYPOS ARE NOT: Grammar “errors” ESPECIALLY in dialogue. Sentences you don’t like. We’re not writing at this point; we’re seeking to make the existing narrative as clean as possible.

NO END QUOTE is NOT a typo if the same character is continuing to speak in the next paragraph.  This is the rule:  Quoting, the multi-paragraph rule.

The format for sending typos is to send a few identifying words around the typo so it can be found (my pagination is not your Kindle’s pagination; this is a True Fact, so page numbers are useless).

This is correct format for reporting a typo: “Very nearly as bad! Perhaps I ought not to remark at all, but merely flout my skill in becoming silence.” QUERY: Should “flout” be “flaunt”?

WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME?  All Tyop Hunters get their name printed on the acknowledgement page of all editions of the book that have an acknowledgements page.  BE CERTAIN to tell me in your note how you want your name listed on that page.  If you don’t, I’ll use whatever appears in the FROM section of your email.

Everybody psyched?


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