So, we talked to the radiologist, who recommends going straight to radiation and zapping those lymph nodes into the next universe.
So, that’s The Plan, pending the results of the oncotyping, which I should have on the 21st. If the oncotype is high, then chemo takes precedence. If the oncotype is low, then I will be given aromatase inhibitors and can start radiation therapy in May, 5 days a week for 5 weeks.
I am — not in a good place about this, even though I know it has to be done.
I also note that we’re still in Hurry Up and Wait Mode.
And that’s All The News.
My best wishes! Sadly, I do not have any great wisdom on managing stress…. I have a number of friends (family members) who have benefited from the Dr Keith Block (out of Chicago) diet. Hurry up and wait sucks!
Hang tough brilliant lady!
Dear Sharon – I’m hoping you have a low oncatype because just radiation is so much easier than chemo. It’s not painful at all during treatment. Treatment is super fast except for the first rounds of measuring. They made a personal foam bed I used each time for proper positioning. The only uncomfortableness is from your skin as it gets a mild sunburn like feeling later in treatment. I’m wishing you the very best of all possible outcomes!
Also wishing you the best of all outcomes and no chemo.
Sharing my thoughts and prayers are with you. I only wish I could be there to help Steve out with the chores. I know you both are strong and I know you were going to pull through this. Just know I am there with you in my prayers. Love you and give Steve a kiss and hug.
Sharon, having gone through both last year, I am sending good thoughts you only have radiation. You will probably be exhausted from it, but easier on the body than chemo. I found I had to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other. And that, no matter how many steps I went backward with, I kept facing forward. Good thoughts headed your way! Huggs to both of you!
I wish for you complete success and an easy time of it.
Sending love!
Very much hoping for good numbers, and so glad you are getting the gene-based therapies! These lead to the best outcomes because your team knows exactly which treatments will target your personal genotype – they won’t give you something that will do only harm instead of help! Also praying that the radiation treatment (see above, worst you should experience is some sunburn like discomfort is sufficient to nuke the little shitheads to infinity and beyond! Hating that you have to go through this, dedicating my workload to you today! DEATH TO ALL CANCER!
Waiting is the WORST! I too will be praying for the best possible outcome, *mild* sunburn included!
I hope the results of the test lead to the treatment that will work best for you whatever that may be.
After my breast cancer surgery, I watched a lot of those screwball comedies, romances, and movies that made me laugh — every time the stress/worry/tension got to me — I put in a movie. Sometimes just one of those movies directed by Michael Bay with magnificent explosions. Then there were the super tear-jerker ones that got me crying — always felt better after a good cry.
I found that even though I was dealing with things my emotions just weren’t as smooth as I wanted them to be and movies helped me cope with the waiting for treatment options/decisions and what would happen next.
Good luck and lots of gentle hugs.
Been there and done both chemo & radiation. My tumor was big time HER-2 positive, so I had 12 weeks of chemo with Herceptin before the radiation. I just decided that the all I could do was do the next right thing, and keep on keeping on. Hair loss was strange, but once it started to grow back I enjoyed having curly hair for the first time ever. And please get some Miaderm before your radiation treatment starts; it really made a difference for me. Amazon sells it. It’s been two years ago that I finished my radiation and Taxol, and so far everything is still looking good. Hoping for good news from the oncotyping.
Here’s to good numbers! So many of your readers are with you as we have walked at least part of the path you are on. We became strong, and now we’re sharing/transmitting that strength to you.
I recommend if possible talking to someone who has gone through a similar radiation treatment therapy. I think it will help ease your mind some. My mom had radiation treatment back in 1988 (for Hodgkin), back when they couldn’t target just the tumors and basically dosed her entire torso. It was so much worse then than it is now. But it’s different for each cancer and each person. Just a year and a half ago after two open heart surgery’s she found our she had breast cancer. Fortunately surgery and pills are all she endured. Chemotherapy was discussed but decided against. She can never have more radiation. But in talking to others going through it it really helped her. Usually the doctor can put you in contact with prior patients. I wish you the best!
I have been talking to people, thank you.
A doctor that I didn’t really like very much once delivered a pearl of wisdom. I was in his office about to get a needle in my knee, and I was…tense. Very tense. Steve, who was with me, tried to ease the tension by mentioning that his brother had had many knee problems and several needles in his knee and he was fine.
And the doctor looked up and said, “It really doesn’t matter how well someone else who has had the same experience is doing, when YOU are the one about to get a needle in your knee.”