So, what’s been going on, you say?

Well, first — I’ve been sick with a particularly implacable cold.  Two weeks in, and I’m finally starting to show signs of achieving wellness, which is?

Right. Steve’s cue to catch the same nasty little bugger.

Needless to say, not much — which is to say, not any — writing has been done, which is not good news for the various projects in process, but best not to break them by going in with half-a-brain.  We will hope, rather, that the back-brain has been working onward, and indeed, there are signs that this may be so.  I was just yesterday offered up a germ of a short story — which, in this case, actually is useful, since we’re under contract for a short story.

I’m going to drag all the various pieces of the novel onto the couch with me after lunch and try to see if I’m able to brain.  Wish me luck.

We do have a couple bits of actual writerly news to impart, for those who actually stop by for writerly news.

  1.  Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume IV, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, published on June 4 by Baen Books, hit Number 17! on the Bookscan national bestseller list its first week out.  So!  Thank you all!
  2. Those who preordered signed and/or personalized copies of this same Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume IV from Uncle Hugo will be pleased to know that all copies have been shipped to you!
  3. For those of you who read Science Fiction Romance, there’s a new resource in town:  SFR Station, a catalog of science fiction romance.
  4. In case you’ve been out of town, two new Adventures in the Liaden Universe® chapbooks — numbers 28 and 29 — were recently published.  Fortune’s Favors, number 28, in April; and Shout of Honor, number 29, in May.  Available at your favorite ebook vendor, including Baen, BN, Kobo, Amazon.
  5. The chapbooks referenced in Number 4, above, are available in paper editions, from Amazon only.  I note this because we are participating in a Beta program at Draft2Digital, which may result the entire run of Adventures in the Liaden Universe® chapbooks being available in paper from multiple vendors.  Watch the skies.

I think that mostly catches us up.

Hope everyone’s doing well.


2 thoughts on “So, what’s been going on, you say?”

  1. I am glad to see Number 5. Anytime I can deal with somethiing other an Amazon is a good time.

  2. Sorry to learn you have been under the weather, which is cold, wet, and windy here. I’ve been taking chelated zinc tablets and drinking lots of Cold Be Gone tea in hopes of warding off unpleasantness myself. Sending warm wishes for a speedy recovery ~

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