So, I spent yesterday fixing, tweaking, formatting, and reformatting files, then uploading them to various booksellers and distributors. The result of all this labor is that Fortune’s Favors: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 28, will be available in ebook form on April 15 from the following vendors:
Amazon, Angus & Robertson, Apple, Baen, Baker & Taylor, BN, Bibliotheca, Google, Kobo, Overdrive, Playster, Scribd, Tolino, 24Symbols
There will be a paperback edition available from Amazon only*. It may be that the paper book will also at some point be available for pre-order, or it may simply appear as ready to order whenever the Amazon Vetting Process is complete. Amazon is not perfectly clear on this point.
If you want to preorder the ebook edition of Fortune’s Favors, the following vendors are alleged to be standing by for you:
Amazon: here’s your link
Angus & Robertson: here’s your link
Apple: here’s your link
BN/Nook: here’s your link
Kobo: here’s your link
*Yes, I know BN offers the option of making a paper book through them, but they do not offer an easy option, and I should’ve started back with the book due in September two weeks ago, so I have no time to bother with fiddly and opaque online publishing programs.
Pre-ordered the Kindle version! Thanks.
Preordered at Amazon!