In which the page proofs have landed and the hearphones are going to breakfast

For those following along at home:  The hearphone movie test was inconclusive.  I could, indeed, hear the dialog in Fantastic Beasts clearly while wearing the hearphones, but!  So could I without.  I am forced to conclude that the speakers on the new television set are superior to those in the local movie theater.

I have not yet done the Noisy Bar test drive.  I have a window of opportunity tomorrow, when I need to be in Augusta insanely early so the car can get its 10,000 mile inspection, fine-tuning, whatever.  Steve has bravely volunteered to go with me, and the plan (The Plan) is that, after the car is taken care of, we shall adjourn to IHOP, which is really pretty noisy, and I will do a test there.

One of the things that’s really freaky about the hearphones, besides hearing yourself talk through your ears, is that there’s a option for “silence” — which turns off your ears.  Or at least feels like it’s turned off your ears.  No input gets through.

In other news, the page proofs for Neogenesis, the twenty-first book in the Liaden Universe®; the eleventh Liaden book we’ve written for Baen — landed in my in-box yesterday.  Today, after breakfast, Sprite and I sat down with our red pen and our sticky tabs and went over the front matter and the first 48 pages, which takes us through the first section/chapter.

I will now go on to other things, including working on Fifth of Five, the sequel to Neogenesis and the last book in both the five-book arc beginning with Dragon in Exile, and the last book in the arc begun 29 years ago, in Agent of Change.

Twenty-nine years ago.

Well.  I guess I’ve earned those purple hairs.

Before anyone asks:  Nope, still don’t know when the eArc of Neogenesis will appear at a near you.  The last word I had, from two “Baen insiders” (editors, actually, but “Baen insiders” sounds infinitely cooler than “editor”) was that the eArc would be available in September.  That is the sum of my knowledge on the subject (honest!).  If you need to know more, you need to write to Baen.

What else?  The fountain pen experiment continues to go well.  I have one pen (out of, er, four?  that escalated quickly) that I’m not really crazy about, but I am declaring success.

So, that seems to be all the news.  Everybody be well.


48 / 435 pages


One thought on “In which the page proofs have landed and the hearphones are going to breakfast”

  1. Noise cancelling headphones, or hearphones in your case, are pretty freaky the first few times.

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