There have been several requests for a place for those who have read the new Liaden novella, Due Diligence, to discuss the story without spoiling it for others.
This? Is that place.
If have not read the story, and don’t want spoilers, please, please, PLEASE, for the Love of God, do NOT read the comments.
I had thought there was a reference to Daav’s father in one of the books and I found it in Local Custom.
“I recall that your own father was— solidly— Low House.” “But a pilot to marvel at,” Daav returned, very gently. “So our mother praised him.”
Lee, Sharon; Miller, Steve. Local Custom (Liaden Universe Book 5) (Kindle Locations 1039-1041). Baen Books. Kindle Edition.
Also, in “Scout’s Progress”, chapter 24:
“Six people had the number to Daav’s private line: Er Thom; Clonak ter’Meulen; Scout Lieutenant Olwen sel’Iprith, former lover, former team-mate, currently off-planet; Frad Jinmaer, another team-mate; Fer Gun pen’Uldra, his father, also off-planet – and Aeilliana Caylon.”
I thought it was great to learn more about the “older generation” at a different time in their lives, and happy that Daav’s father kept up with their friendship…once again creating even more interesting characters that a reader feels they know. Thanks!
Well found Carolyn
I’m curious to know if Daav’s cousins, his father’s children, are in touch with the Clan in the way that Gordie is, or is his situation unique in some way.
Now I am wondering if his father may move his clan to Surebleak, or at least set up a contact point there now that Daav is known to be alive.
I really enjoyed the story but it has made me wonder how identical twins could be the heads of the different sides of the family (one yos’Phellium and one yos’Galan.) I have an inkling of a recollection that this was covered….can anyone clarify for me?
Also thank you for those marvelous references to Dav’s father from previous books!
I don’t know the answer, but I know a possible answer…
The identical twins could be the result of a Yos Phelium/Yos Galan mating–a contract marriage–where one child went to each family.
Due Diligence does mention that the two lines occasionally cross.
Sweetfe & Fred: in Local Custom, Chapter 31 starts with,
“Accepted of Clan Korval: Identical twins, daughters of Kin Dal yos’Phelium and Larin yos’Galan.
Accepted of Line yos’Galan: Petrella, daughter of Larin.
Accepted of Line yos’Phelium: Chi, daughter of Kin Dal.”
And in Chapter 32, Er Thom says to Daav, “Here are our mothers born aside the Delm’s Own Word, simply because Kin Dal and Larin could not keep from each other!”
In one book, they said that Chi & Petrella’s parents couldn’t keep their hands off each other. It explained the birth notice.
Fred is basically correct. It’s covered in Local Custom, chapters 31 and 32.
@sweetfe @Fred
From Scout’s Progress:
“Here are our mothers born aside the Delm’s Own Word, simply because Kin Dal and Larin could not keep from each other!”
Also, at the start of Chapter 31:
“Accepted of Clan Korval: Identical twins, daughters of Kin Dal yos’Phelium and Larin yos’Galan. Accepted of Line yos’Galan: Petrella, daughter of Larin. Accepted of Line yos’Phelium: Chi, daughter of Kin Dal.”
Thanks to Sweetfe, now *I’m* wondering about all of the references to yos’Galan always producing a pilot. This is a culture not at all ignorant of genetics, but we don’t hear much acknowledgement that Chi & Petrella, being identical twins, would be, genetically, both lines mixed in the *same* proportions. Even Chi seems convinced that Petrella somehow has a better chance of producing a pilot, because she’s yos’Galan. Or is that just hopeful talking?
Or maybe it was just that Chi was feeling discouraged, genetically speaking, after Kareen’s failure to be a pilot?
Also–is it “Chee” like Tai Chi? Or “Chy” like Chai tea?
Don’t I maybe remember a chapbook story, way back, about Petrella’s and Chi’s parents?
I think I can state with confidence, having read all the chapbook stories multiple times and taken extensive notes, that none of them are about Petrella and Chi’s parents. But now I’m curious about which story it is you’re thinking of — do you remember anything else about it?
I would be interested in knowing about
Kareen’s father. He may be the weak link,
Maybe the Tree did not 100% approve of the choice of Kareen’s father since it seems to take an active interest in most on planet unions.
The obvious possibility with Kareen’s father is that Chi chose him badly, perhaps by putting too much weight on conventional social considerations — but there are other possibilities.
Elseweb, I’ve seen the interesting suggestion that perhaps Kareen turned out exactly how the Tree intended, having foreseen that Korval would get off Liad within her lifetime and need someone like her to do the job she’s doing in the most recent stories of helping the clan transition to a new social context.
Kareens relationship with Jelaza Kazone ( the tree )
would also be interesting information. Korval has
had it’s share of less than sterling characters. Culls
are evidenced in all breeding programs.
The tree’s program may perhaps have less, however
there are surely some.
One question this story brought up for me was about Pat Rin. Quite a few times we are told that he looks like Daav, who we now know does not look like Korval. So where/from whom did Pat Rin get his genes. Was his father related to Daav’s father somehow?
Ooh, Susan, good question!
I enjoyed the chance to see Petrella before she was injured.
Chi and young Kareen were also fun.
and how did Chi find Fer Gun amid the dross?
Korval Luck, Tree???
I loved this heartwarming story, filling in the already rich history of Clan Korval. Fer Gun’s eager acceptance by Korval’s Tree was especially delightful.
I also very much enjoyed those scenes that were repeated from two perspectives. I think that technique might become tiring in a longer work, but it was a treat to read here.
Thanks for sharing this tale.